Chapter 15

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I feel like crying because break is almost over ),: Alas here is your chapter and sorry if its slow, but its needed. Soo yeah.

"Aaron. It was Aaron" ~Beatrice


I'm not sure when the tears stopped falling, or how I got here in the first place. I could remember back to the dance when Aaron fell and the last words he muttered. It didn't make sense, and I couldn't think. I had felt overwhelmed when a piercing shriek echoed through the decorated gym. Everyone froze and stared in my direction. That was when I had realized the shriek belonged to me. Eventually people had seen Aaron unconscious, then the paramedics came. The rest was a blur. I remembered how Kalan, Katie, Mo, Danny, and I piled into the ambulance, much to the paramedics protest, and stayed by Aaron's side. The doctor's questioned Mo and I on what had happened, and we told him the little things we knew. Then we were sent away. All of us had somehow ended up back at Katie's house and were now passed out, sprawled out in her room.

With my cheek pressed against the plush carpet of Katie's room, I rolled over onto my back and slowly got up. My back ached from sleeping on the floor all night, and I was still wearing my dress. I ambled over to the bathroom Katie had connected to her room, and gazed into the mirror. My reflection revealed all of my eye makeup smeared around my red eyes. My cheeks were swollen from crying, and my dress was slightly torn in some places and stained in others.

I turned on the faucet and let the cold water run between my fingers. Washing the makeup off my face, I looked dreadfully pale and there were clear bags under my eyes. Going through the Katie's bathroom, I found a hair tie and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I walked back to the room and noticed more people waking up. Danny and Katie were sprawled across Katie's bed and Kalan was lying on the floor on the opposite side of the room that I was on. Mo was now standing up and crossing her arms across her body. Her makeup was smeared too, and her hair which once was beautifully done, was now a huge mess and falling into her face.

I grabbed her arm and helped her get her makeup off and hair under control. She smiled at me with gratitude. By the time we returned, everyone was awake and slowly getting up. Katie and Danny looked like we did when we woke up. I was in shock to actually see Katie looking like anything except perfection. Her brown hair was in a tangled mess and her makeup smeared. There were dark shadows under her eyes from lack of sleep.

Mo shook her head. "Wow, for once the princess isn't so perfect," she muttered.

"Mo, quit acting like that." Kalan said groggily. "She never did anything to you."

Mo rolled her eyes. "That's the thing, she never did anything. When her so called friends kept... kept bullying us! She did nothing," Mo's eyes were cold as she spoke, "and now she pretends to be our friend?"

I shut my eyes. I guess I never realized that Mo would hold a grudge. She didn't see Katie beyond her sugar coat. She didn't know Katie, but I did. No matter how impossible it seems for me to admit, but Katie is my friend and did nothing but help us. I knew there must be a reason behind all of this.

"Mo, you don't know Katie. She has helped me in more ways than I can explain. Look, you are currently in her house that she let you stay at. Her parents kindly accepted you, as they had accepted me. C'mon, Mo, give her a chance," I tried to explain to my angry friend.

She glared icily at me. "Quit acting like a traitor." she sneered.

"Quit acting like them!" I shouted. "You're judging me without even giving me a chance. Just like they did to Kalan."

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