Chapter 4

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Up top is Katie <3

Walking up the walkway to the mansion in front of me, I could practically feel my eyes bulging out. Katie didn't even have to knock before a butler answered the big front door. He was dressed in a crisp suit and had no expression on his face. Little ray of sunshine he is!

"Miss Greene, welcome back," he spoke with some accent I couldn't put my finger on.

"Glad to be back! Oh, and this is my study buddy Beatrice," she responded as bubbly as always. Doom and Gloom Guy just nodded at me before turning on his heels and walking away.

"Come on, Bea! Follow me," I heard her chirp as I groaned.

"It's Beatrice!" I grumbled following her up the elegant stair case.

Just looking around the house, I knew for a fact I couldn't even afford one if the trash bins. Everything was extremely modern and probably cost more than one of my lungs. Walking up the stair case, I wouldn't lie if I said I didn't expect to find Cinderella's glass slipper somewhere. Reaching the top, I was greeted by a huge hallway dotted with many doorways. Katie led me to one and opened the diamond nob. Looking in was definitely not what I expected.

Instead of pink walls, a girly bed with a canopy, and Justin Beiber photos, I found something else. Her walls were a deep purple with a queen sized bed in the middle of the room. It had a silver bed spread, and a desk with a Mac next to it. Katie had a large bookshelf full of various books and CDs, along with her own bathroom and walk in closet. It was very stylish and chic, but of course my favorite part was the books.

Catching me staring, Katie smiled and asked,"What do you think?"

"Very.... different from what I expected, but it's... stylish...," I managed trying to find the right words.

"Okay! I think we should get started!" she said bounding toward her Mac and placing it beside her on her bed. I took a seat on a sofa in her room while we started with our plans for the project.

After what felt like forever, we finally had a basic plan down. Feeling exhausted but accomplished I checked my phone for the time. It read 5:42 pm. I grunted realizing I was hungry. I was about to goodbye say before Katie looked up at me and started to talk. Great...

"Hey Beatrice, you live in a foster home, dont you?" She asked.

Taken aback by this question I didn't answer right away. She opened her mouth about probably to apologize for the intrusive question before I interrupted her.

"Yes I do, and have my whole life," I answered casually. I didn't want her to think it bothered me, which it didn't. That would be showing weakness I never had.

"Oh, it must be a like a big family for you!" she smiled.

I laughed unhumorously at her absurd declaration. "Not really," I responded, "more like a big disaster."

"Oh," was all she said before she could think of more. "At least the people you are with are like siblings, right? I have always wanted brothers or sisters," she murmured. Her face looked looked sorrowful and her eyes cloudy just for a second before she smiled again.

What was that about?

"No, you really don't want them. They just fight with you and get in the way," I grumbled truthfully.

We just sat in silence, until Katie checked her watch and gasped.

"Oh! It's practically supper time!"

"Well, I should get going then..." I muttered about to leave until Katie stopped me.

"No, no! You're eating with us of course!" she demanded.

I was about to object, until Katie stopped me. "No getting out of this Beatrice," she threatened. "Follow me!"

I groaned out loud, and trudged behind her downstairs. Doom and Gloom Guy showed up and Katie followed behind him as he led us to a huge kitchen. Everything was stainless steel with a breakfast bar.

"Miss, please follow me. The food and your parents are already at the table," he said formally. Oh great, a boring dinner with rich people. Urgh what did I ever do wrong?

We walked into a dining room with a middle aged couple already sitting. The woman was beautiful with long dark brown hair like Katie's, and green eyes that held a spark in them. The man next to her had dark hair that was slightly graying, and soft brown eyes which Katie had exact replicas of. When the woman saw me, she immediately shot up.

"You must be Beatrice! Katie told us all about you!" she said peppily wrapping me in a hug. I gasped from shock, but slowly hugged her back. WOAH! I pulled away casually in fright of myself. Hugging was something I never did. But for some reason, it felt good to be hugged and have a comfort I really never experienced... Okay, enough with that sappy stuff!

"Hello Mrs. Greene," I responded politely.

"No! Call me Margret!" she insisted. Okay, now I definitely know where Katie gets her personality from.

I sat down at a place set for me next to Katie, as Mr. Greene gave me a small smile and wave. I could see that smile lines on his face and how his brown eyes sparkled. But I swear I could sense something deeper in this family. I don't know, Darlene always called me crazy.

The family immediately shot into conversation, and I actually found myself taking interest and part of it. We talked about anything from Mumford and Sons latest album to the issue on shutting down the national parks. We were talking about genetics when all of a sudden Mrs. Greene stopped in mid conversation.

"Beatrice, I just noticed your eye color," she pointed out.

"Umm... okay?" I said unsure how to respond. I don't get the big deal about my dull green eyes.

"Green is quite a rare color! You hardly ever see it. I heard recent studies that the amount of people possessing the trait is decreasing. I guess you and I are the lucky ones" she said with a thoughtful smile. Then we shot into another conversation.

After we were done eating, Katie drove me back to the foster home. When she pulled away, I came to a realization. Her family wasn't that bad. Wow, I have been weirder than usual today. I needed my sleep.

Important chapter there! Lol maybe!! Well all I have to say is I love you and please:


And always remember: SHARING IS CARING

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