Chapter 8

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I honestly don't have much to say other than thanks for reading! Ummm soo here is chapter 7

"I usually never got hugs or affection at all so it was all awkwardness for me" ~ Beatrice


"Look at Tweedle Dumb go!" Aaron shouted shoving another fist full of popcorn into his mouth.

"And you yell at me for having no manners," Mo muttered while taking a monster bite out of her corn dog.

I rolled my eyes at their pointless bickering and focused back on the football game in front of me. Tweedle Dumb was quarterback of our school's team and was going for the touch down. He was very fast and surprisingly graceful. It was slightly chilly in the evening air as I hugged myself, shivering in my hoodie. My thick brown hair blowing in my face due to the wind. I snuggled up closer to Aaron to keep warm, but was cautious from getting any butter or salt in my eyes.

I honestly didn't want to be here, but Aaron made me and Mo come because apparently we needed some school 'spirit'. I honestly think he just wanted an excuse to see the football team flouncing around in their uniforms. Mo and I just mocked all of them the whole time anyway. I was simply spacing out until someone caught my eye.

I saw Katie walking briskly down the steps of the bleachers alone. That's what caught me by surprise. Katie was completely alone with no talking with, following, and/or being stalked by anyone. Not only this, but she wasn't wearing her usual stylish, designer clothes. She was wearing a sweatshirt and casual jeans. Something had been off about her all week since I had seen her on Saturday, and I was about to find out what.

I quickly excused myself from my friends, leaving them staring oddly at me. I quickly made my way toward Katie, easily catching up to her. I don't think she heard me coming up behind her because when I tapped her on the shoulder, she jumped.

"Beatrice!" she squealed. "What are you doing?"

"I saw you and came to talk to you," I said matter-of-factly. She looked at me very confused by my actions. I usually wasn't the one to talk to her willingly.

I sighed. "Okay I have noticed you have been acting weirdly ever since Saturday. What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her. Maybe I shouldn't have said 'are you okay' cause that showed I cared about her feelings when I really was just curious.

Katie just stood there with her green eyes staring into my own. And to my surprise, she suddenly burst into tears and came running at me. I found myself awkwardly standing there while she had her arms around me in a hug. I heard her sniffle as I awkwardly patted her on the back. Again with the hugging. I never got hugs or any affection for that matter, so it was all awkwardness for me. When ever I get hugs (which is very seldom) I just feel very confused.

After awhile Katie decided to speak, "Thank you Beatrice! I know people have noticed me acting off, and all I got was strange looks. No one ever thought about my feelings or what was wrong. Not even my closest friends or my parents were too busy to notice," she explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I was actually surprised in some ways. I mean she was the Katie Green. She was always known to be perfect and everyone loved her. But if everyone loved her, why did no one care to comfort her? And if her life was rich and perfect, why was she so sad? I shook my head. I suppose that's what you get for having phony friends like the Populars.

"Umm why are you upset anyway?" I asked.

She sighed and seemed to think awhile before answering, "Well just, ah, family issues. Things have been rough lately, and I do apologize for Saturday. I didn't mean to come off as rude, but it was urgent," Katie smiled softly. Her smile was a sad one.

"Oh," I mumbled, " I hope, you know, things will, ah, get better." I honestly had no idea what I was supposed to say, but I tried my best. I mean, I really have no experience in family, and therefore can't have family problems to empathize with her.

"Beatrice that's very sweet of you. You don't know how much it means," she smiled. "Oh! We still on for Saturday?"

I nodded at her as she walked away. But I honestly don't think I cared that much, I was just trying to maybe be nice. Wow, me being nice? Did I care? I honestly don't know anymore.

"Beatrice! Beatrice!" I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see a very confused Mo and Aaron.

"Beatrice the games over, what were you doing? And why were you just talking with Katie? God, that girl looks like a mess," Mo said approaching me.

"Oh, uh, well I went to the bathroom and saw Katie out here. We were just discussing our project," I mumbled.

"Alrighty then! But guess what? At the last part of the game Tweedle Dumbest actually tripped and landed right on two of the cheerleaders! Like, wow!" Aaron exclaimed barely holding his laughter. I giggle at this too, imagining the shortish Tweedle Dumbest landing all muddy and sweaty on cheerleaders.

"Really Aaron? Alrighty then and Like wow? Those were so gay, it shouldn't be possible!" Mo exclaimed.

I started laughing like crazy with Mo to a point which I was grasping my stomach with tears coming out of my eyes.

"Oh my gosh guys!" He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air with exasperation.

Me and Mo just mimicked him, using our best gay guy voices.

"Come on Faggot, lets go to McDonalds and get some chile. It's freezing out!" Mo shouted while Aaron tried to find his car keys as we all headed back towards his old Toyota or Cheryl.

I just realized how funny Aaron was when he acted gay and that maybe Katie or Little Miss Perfect wasn't so perfect after all.

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