chapter 16

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Here's your chapter babes! hope i havent lost any of you guys!!!!

"It's weird how much one thing or one person can cause so much change" ~Beatrice 


Katie asked us to leave and I couldn't even focus on anything. My mind felt like an explosion had just gone off, and I felt like screaming. Mo narrowed her eyes at Katie and probably said something that wouldn't be appropriate for children's ears, but I didn't listen. I didn't even bother paying attention when the Populars were trying to figure out why we were at Katie's or why we looked like such a mess. With tears now running down my face, I couldn't take it anymore. I dashed out of Katie's room and down her great staircase. I ran out the door, leaving it open behind me, and down the drive way of Katie's mansion. From that point on, I ran, jogged, walked, and even crawled all the way to the foster home. I had gotten weird looks from the few people on the roads at 7 in the morning, but I didn't pay them any mind. When I reached the foster home, I ignored everyone and everything until I flopped on my bed and cried myself to sleep. 

~end of flashback~

The rain fell quietly on the window pane. Each little drop glistening as I inspected them carefully. The slight drizzle of rain outside seemed to have more of my attention then the math teacher droning on about who knows what. It has been like this for the past three weeks, ever since I had received the call from Aaron at Katie's house. I had been half awake, basically just going through the motions in my day and not paying anyone mind. My friends were affected, too, but Mo and I were the ones who were the worst. Mo just didn't talk to anyone and was more annoyed than usual. If you breathed the wrong way, she would kill you. I just kind of drifted around, not really there. The only real effort I made was avoiding Katie, Tristan, and the Populars at all costs. I didn't know what was going on with Katie, but I couldn't find myself to care. 

When the bell signaling lunch finally rang, I dashed out the classroom, desperate to leave. I quickly weaved through the crowd of people making their way towards the lunch room while keeping a careful eye out for Tristan. As I said, I had been avoiding him ever since the night of the dance. I couldn't stand to face the embarrassment and harassment he would give me. We actually danced together, and the whole thing was probably a joke or a dare. I shook my head as I was about to reach the lunchroom. Right then, I felt something grab my arm and pull me away. An unwanted squeal escaped from my lips as I turned around to see who the culprit was.

Standing behind me was Tristan. I caught my breath as I realized we were standing in an empty classroom. Tristan's hand was still on my arm. I finally came to my senses and pulled away. 

"Beatrice, wait," he spoke in a low voice. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks just by the sound of his voice saying my name. 

"What, Tristan?" I snapped. "What could you possibly want from me?"

"Beatrice, hear me out, okay? Don't be so harsh with Katie. She never meant to hurt you, and she has good reasons for the way she has been behaving. She really cares, Beatrice, and I honestly wish there was any other way...,"  Tristan spoke, trailing off.

Everything he said just angered me even more. "Seriously? She has good reasons?! She has no clue what it's like to actually struggle in life. She is a princess with everything handed to her on a silver platter. She gets what she wants when she wants it. How dare you tell me she has excuses? My whole life has been a struggle," I spat at Tristan. 

He looked taken aback by what I had said, but quickly recovered and looked neutral like always. He must have some mega problem with revealing emotion. 

"Beatrice, I never said that she had it worse than you, but I also never said that she never struggled. Everyone struggles, Beatrice. Quit acting like Mo and just give Katie a chance," Tristan spoke calmly. He looked in my eyes, as if waiting for me to agree or come to my senses. He then gently brushed away a strand of my hair that had fallen into my face before adding, "And Beatrice, I heard about Aaron. I'm... that's awful that this had to happen to him."

Frozen in my place, I took a deep breath. I looked up at Tristan and didn't even bother faking a smile.  

"Um, well," I stuttered, unsure of what to say unitl Tristan interrupted me. 

"Your secret's safe with me," he said then paused. "Oh, and you’re not that bad of a dancer for a nerd." 

I was shocked by his statement and felt my cheeks flush. Before I could say anything, he chuckled and left the room saying, "Until next time." 

Until next time. That meant there was going to be another time. I felt my heart race and stomach churn  just by the thought of being with Tristan again. My own organs were abandoning me.

 When I had finally joined everyone at the lunch table, they all were half way through their meals. Everyone was keeping quietly to themselves which seemed to be the new pattern ever since we found out about Aaron. It's weird how much one thing or one person can cause so much change. Usually, I couldn't find the energy to care how my friends were acting, but now it actually bugged me. I feel as if I was stuck in numbness ever since Aaron had gone to the hospital. Now, though, it seemed as if something had broken my free, and that I could feel again. Thinking it over for a little bit, I realized Tristan was the one that had brought me out of this trance. He brought me back to my senses.

I looked up at my friends. "Hey guys, would he want us to act this way? I mean, honestly, wouldn't Aaron want us to make the best of this situation or even be thinking of ways to help him?" I demanded. 

"Beatrice...," Kalan began before I cut him off.

"No, No. I'm done with us torturing each other and feeling bad for ourselves. We can actually help Aaron. I don't know, we could send him gifts or call him more often. It may not be much, but at least we would want him to know that we care. Wouldn't he want us to not take our healthy lives for granted and enjoy what he can't? If I were him, I would be pretty upset if we were just moping around."

Everyone at the lunch table stopped what they were doing and stared at me. Even Mo looked up. Her expression was cold, and everyone seemed to be holding their breaths, waiting for her to blow. But she didn't. Soon her eyes which were always so cold flickered. They welled up with tears, and I think I managed to get her out of her trance too. Mo and I were always so used to letting our emotions build up that sometimes we didn't realize that it was best to let things go. Mo smiled, then, through her tears and started nodding.

"Beatrice is right. We need to shape up. For Aaron," she said, nudging me in the arm. I looked over at her and she mouthed the words 'thank you' at me, and I knew she was truly grateful.

Things had really gotten better that day, though I was just emotionally and physically exhausted. I still felt a determination to help Aaron get through this. I knew that I couldn't save him, but I could make his struggles easier and make all of this a lot better. We all could and we would. 

I heard the last bell ring, as I walked down the hall to my locker and began to gather my things together. It was then that I heard my phone vibrate, signaling a new text message. I pulled it out and realized it was from Katie. 

Beatrice I'm sorry for the way I have been acting but we need to talk. About a lot actually. So I was wondering if you could come by my place around 6? 

That's all! Like I said i hope i didnt lose any of you. I hope you had a nice spring break and wish you all warm weather. peace out

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