Chapter 9

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This had better be good because I got entertainment from having a sleepover with my bffs some of the most funny people ever! You know who you guys are love ya babies


"I FELL IN LOVE WITH A WIND UP SOUVENIR! I BOUGHT HER DOWNTOWN CAUSE I WAS ON MY WAY TO MEET YA," Aaron sang at the top of his lungs. He actually had one of those sexy voices. When he sang you seriously couldn't tell he was gay.


And right then Aaron pulled into Katie's driveway. No matter what, her house err I mean castle, always blew me away. The person controlling the gates let us in, and then Aaron dropped me off.

I walked in through the big front door, but surprisingly wasn't greeted by Doom and Gloom Guy aka the butler. I just sight, rolled my eyes, and walked up the vast stair case which reminded me of The Great Gatsby. I remembered which door was the one to her room and cracked it open. What I saw was nothing I don't think I'd ever be prepared for.

Through the crack of the door revealed Katie sitting in front of her Mac with her eyebrows furrowed. She leaned in closer to the screen and started gasping for breath.

"Oh god, yes, yes, yes! Ohmygosh Dan! Dan Howell, oh my toast!" she squealed at the top of her lungs. She was hyperventilating now and staring at the computer screen intensely.

Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh. Katie Green, the perfect girl, was fangirling. I held back my laughter. She wasn't like Danny bad, but still, it was hilarious! She squealed and started fanning her face. I couldn't blame her because Dan Howell was completely perfect.

There came a point where I couldn't contain my laughter. I started laughing like crazy and found myself gasping for air. She turned to me with her eyes wide, and I would've expected her to get angry for me spying on her. But instead, she started giggling along with me. Once we calmed down she smiled at me.

"Isn't he just perfect" she gushed.

"Indeed," I laughed.

After awhile of swooning over Dan Howell, we finally started in on our project again. We were stumped on one part and were in serious concentration, when we heard a knock on Katie's door. Before we could answer it, the person just barged right in.

Tweedle Dumbest came stumbling in, before realizing Katie had company.

"Oh my! Beatrice I wasn't aware you were here!" he gasped speaking with a very feminine voice. I honestly never heard him speak, and his voice surprised me. Tweedle Dumbest was shortish for a guy at the height of 5'8, but he was very muscular. He had brown hair with natural highlights and amber colored eyes.

"Kalan, what are you doing here?" Katie asked.

Tweedle Dumbest cleared his throat before speaking, "My dad was here to do business with yours, so I came up here because I was bored." he mumbled in a deeper voice. I could tell he was completely faking it, but I didn't know why.

"Oh, well, Beatrice and I are working on our project so find something else to do quietly," Katie instructed.

Tweedle Dumbest wandered around her room aimlessly before gasping at Katie's Mac.

"Oh. My. God!" he gasped with his unusual girly voice. "It's Dan Howell! He looked just like Liam did when Liam first auditioned for the X Factor!"

This was insane now. I just couldn't hold my curiosity in. "Katie, what the heck is wrong with him? Is he gay or something?" I demanded pointing at Tweedle Dumbest almost drooling at Dan Howell.

Katie and Tweedle Dumbest both stared me with intensity.

"What? Whoa, whoa wait. He is actually gay?" I asked incredulously. No one made any objections, but instead stared at me completely shocked. I couldn't hold it in and soon burst into hysterical laughter. I soon found myself practically rolling on the floor and gasping for breath. Was it healthy to be laughing this much in one day?

"Beatrice! Beatrice listen!" I heard Tweedle Dumbest shout. "You can't tell ANYONE! If my friends found out.... they would kick me out of the group and football team."

I shook my head at him, "Seriously, if they were your real friends they would accept you. I mean look at Aaron. Mo and I accept him wholeheartedly."

"Beatrice, please? My friends are different from yours. You and Katie are the only ones who know," he begged me.

"Fine, fine," I giggled.

We lapsed into a comfortable silence for about three seconds until I heard the intercom go off in Katie's room.

"Ms. Green, there are guests here. Apparently they heard your whole conversation and would wish to speak to you and Mr. McKay," I heard Doom and Gloom Guy say.

Oh no, I could only guess who it was and what they heard.


Hey!!! There is your chapter! And Kalei I hoped you liked Kalon ;) Anyways please please




Thanks <3

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