chapter 14

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Merry Christmas! I'm on my new kindle and am starting to get used to typing on it! wish me luck :) here is your chapter.....


My whole being was nervous. I was shaking and sweaty, and even the Bastille album playing didn't help. I had gone through about two hours of pure torture as Katie got me ready for the dance. She was almost done with the finishing touches on my makeup while silently humming along to the song, Of the Night by Bastille. Mo was in another room of Katie's mansion while Danny helped her get ready. I was eager to finally see Mo's dress, and lord help Danny who's trying to get her in it.

We heard a loud knock on the door before Danny burst through. "Be prepared for my masterpiece!" she squealed. "Oh, and, Beatrice, you look amazing!"

Just then, Mo came strutting through the room. A tiny smile played on her lips which had a clear gloss on them. Her eyes had a smokey eye eyeshadow on them. Her blonde hair was pinned up as if by a professional. We gasped when we saw her dress. It was midnight black, sleeveless, and had a V-neck. It reached right above her knee and was snug against her body, but not too tight or slutty. The heels she wore made her look taller then her usual short self.

"Mo! You look great!" I smiled.

"You too, Beatrice! That dress looks amazing on you!" she said returning the compliment.

"You both look amazing, but now I must get ready," Katie smiled sweetly before turning around and walking to her giant walk in closet. Danny was already dressed with a dark blue dress to her knees and her dirty blonde, almost brown hair straightened. She held a purse which, without a doubt, was stuffed with Oreos. The boys (Kalan and Aaron) were taking a quick trip to the mall to get Aaron a new suit. The suit he had bought before hand had suddenly become too big on him. They would meet us up at the dance.

Mo and I talked about strange dreams we had had in the past week while waiting for Katie to get done. Soon she came out looking absolutely stunning as usual. She wore a deep purple dress which was snug around her waist and reached right below her knees. She wore black peep toe heels and black dangling earrings with it. Her brown hair was professionally curled and makeup done flawlessly.

"Okay, time to go!" she chirped motioning us to follow her out of her room and downstairs.

Her parents greeted us when we reached the bottom with warm smiles. They waved politely at everyone, but pulled me and Katie into hugs. I adored her parents on how they easily accepted me for me.

"Katie," Mrs. Greene beamed, "I love your new friends! You should have them over more often."

Katie laughed almost awkwardly, if it was possible for her to be anything near awkward. Mo scoffed and rolled her eyes. What was her problem? After a few pictures, Katie quickly ushered us out the door as we all climbed into her jeep with me sitting shotgun because I was the most comfortable around Katie. I thought back to when I loathed Katie. I thought she was the most annoying, fake, and cliche girl ever. I had definitely judged her wrong. I finally realized with all my pride, I honestly didnt realize until now that we were actually friends. Me and Katie were actually friends.

When we arrived at the dance, it was pretty easy for us to get in, given we were with Katie. The crowds of people parted way at the sight of her and gasped and whispered at the sight of her company. Most girls sneered at us out of jealousy, and the guys eyes were wide wondering who the 'mystery girls' with her were. I guess I didn't realize that no one would recognize me and Mo in dresses, makeup, and heels. We looked like total strangers.

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