Chapter 6

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I don't have much to say other than I hope ur enjoying this so far Kalei ;) and please VOTE VOTE VOTE! It means so much!!! Up top is Lexi

"I just had to remember that they were the ones afraid of me; not the other way around" ~ Beatrice


I woke up late that next day, still shaken from my dreams. I just kind of laid there in bed, thinking about anything to distract myself from the horrid Tweedles. I just had to remember they were the ones always scared of me; not the other way around. I began to daydream Kellin Quinn (lead singer of Sleeping with Sirens) , but soon remembered it was Saturday and I had to meet up with Katie. Urgh, I don't have the energy to go through her utter peppiness. I might just pop that pretty little head of hers off.

I finally rolled out of bed, gazing across the room, expecting to see Kellin again on my poster, but got a different surprise. I shrieked at the sight of some wierd teenage guys that seemed overly happy or very high. I cringed at the new poster that read 'One Direction'. I won't go on about my feelings about them because I will save you my rant. My shock and fear was easily replaced by anger. This could only be an act of Danny.

Danny was the other girl that shared my room with me. She was a crazy fangirl, and used to keep me up all night with her shrieks and blogging. She was the definition of eccentric, and slightly delusional. She also had a tomboy side, too, with her obsession with bacon, NASCAR, and of course, Duck Dynasty. The girl was absolutely nuts, and I didn't mind sharing a room with her because she has never been around. But guess what folks? Danny's back, and so are her One Direction posters, and my loss of sleep.

I groaned at my luck, and began to get to get ready. By the time I was done, and downstairs, it was about eleven thirty. My stomach was rumbling, and I decided to attend to its demands. Though, right when I walked into the kitchen, low and behold the Whacko herself. Danny was perched on the counter dipping greasy, fatty bacon into Nutella or a big fat jar of sugar. I cringed at this sight. Danny pushed her penny colored hair over her shoulder and stared lovingly at her snack. She wore her usual jeans, One Direction tee, and cowboy boots. In her other hand was her IPhone which held her million pictures of NASCAR.

I cleared my throat and she glanced at me before slowly moving so I could feed myself. I quickly scarfed down my Cheese Dream, or basically grilled cheese on French toast. By the time I finished, I heard honking from outside and caught a glimpse of Katie's jeep. I took care of my plate, and walked toward the door, leaving the foster home.

"Bea! Err, I mean Beatrice! Hurry up, and get in because I have to do something before we can work on the project," Katie informed me quickly as I hopped in her expensive jeep. She quickly glanced in the rear view mirror at her reflection, before speeding away.

"Where are we going?" I shouted over the wind.

"I have to drop off some business papers at some diner for my dad," she yelled in response.

I groaned inwardly, but enjoyed the ride until we pulled into the diner she was talking about. The minute we entered, I could practically feel the grease in the air from all the food. I almost gagged. Katie walked right past the front counter confidently, and I trudged behind her. Right when she walked into the dining area, I heard people shout for her attention revealing none other than the Populars.

"Hey Katie! What are you doing here?"

"Kate! Come join us!"

"Why are you with.... that weirdo?"

"Careful Katie! Keep your distance, you might catch its disease!" the last comment came from Tweedle Ohmygodkillmenowthisthinghasnobrain.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Shove it pea brain!" I shouted at him.

Katie only glanced nervously between us all, before deciding to ignore it and waving politely at the table of Populars.

"Hi guys! I would, but I can't right now. I'm only here to drop something off with my dad, and then I'm hanging out with Beatrice," she explained sweetly. I only rolled my eyes at the thought of us 'hanging out.' It was simply for a project.

"Really, Katie? You are hanging out with Tristan's stalker than us? You really should stay away from social rejects," Lexi sneered before flipping her artificial blond hair.

Oh my gosh. I can't believe that girl. The nerve! I clenched my fists as my nostrils flared. I saw the Prissy Pack giggling, but luckily the Tweedles were too distracted with a food fight. I started to make my way over there and give her what she had coming, but Katie stopped me.

"Lexi knock it off! Jealously will get you nowhere. Now I have to go, but I will see you guys tomorrow," Katie said still sweetly but there was authority in her voice. And of course with Lexi not being as pretty or popular as Katie, she shut up.

Once Katie dropped off her papers, and we headed back toward her car, she spoke. "Beatrice, I'm sorry about back there. Sometimes when Lexi is upset she will lash out, but it's nothing personal," she said smiling apologetically. She looked sincere, and it wasn't even her fault. She is the only one of the Populars who's not rude to me. And for some reason, thats why I didn't like her.

"It's.... it's fine, Katie," I mumbled not wanting her to feel too bad. She nodded as she got in the car and we drove away to her mansion.


Katie and I actually got a lot done with the project being that we were two of the smartest people in our class. (Even though I was definitely the smartest) We got done what we needed to earlier than expected, so we spent the extra time discussing our favorite bands and how it may be impossible to count all of our English teacher's wrinkles. Seriously, it would take as long as the teacher had lived. (And that might be since dinosaur ages)

We were about to head back downstairs, when someone knocked on the door. Thats when Mr. Doom

And Gloom came in or aka the butler.

"Katie your mother is here to pick you up. Its about the... current... situation thats been going on," he spoke with an odd accent.

Katie quickly turned to me. "Bea, I gotta go, like now. Just, um, have one of your friends pick you up. 'Kay?"

And with that she was gone dashing down the stairs.

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