Chapter 11

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And..... Ya here is chapter 11..... So enjoy ^_^

"We were all so different from eachother, and yet, that's what we all shared, difference" ~ Beatrice

The principal's office. Yes, that's exactly the place. A nerd. A straight A student. Sent to the principal's office. And which lovely teacher did this to me? Of course, it was none other than the Stiff Cliff (or Ms. Cliff but whatever) The old thing had sent me to the principal's office only because I was smarter than her. She just couldn't get it through her thick skull that second capitol or Bolivia was La Paz not La Pez. It was a huge error and in insult to all Bolivians! She sent me to the principal because I was being 'sassy'. Honestly? I don't even think 'sassy' is a word.

Sighing, I dragged myself to the school's main office so the secretary could let the principal know I was coming. Right when I peered through the door, I froze. Inside was a sight I would've considered impossible until now. I saw Tweedle Dumb ( Tristan) reading a book. A book. A book and Tweedle Dumb. Tweedle Dumb with a book. This was a great scientific break through! Sure, before highschool, Tweedle Dumb loved books. He was actually smart, nice, funny, and still very good looking. But that all changed when he caught Lexi's eye. She decided to change him, and that she did. He was just standing there in his Hollister hoodie and ripped jeans looking like a model advertising for Hollister. His dark hair was perfectly messy and looked so soft. His bright blue eyes were narrowed on the book as he appeared to be reading. I shook my head incredulously and decided to walk in before someone noticed me.

I slowly slipped through the door and walked toward the secretary. Tristan didn't even notice until I cleared my throat to get the secretary's attention. She held her hand up, telling me to wait as she types away on her laptop. Tristan, however, looked up and slightly scowled, realizing it was me. The secretary, thankfully, looked up at me.

"Um, I was, ah sent to the principal's office by the Sti- I mean by Ms. Cliff," I muttered hoping she didn't catch my mistake.

The secretary raised an eyebrow at me because she knew my reputation of being a straight A student and holder of perfect attendance. "Well, I guess I will have to tell him. Go sit over there while you wait, the principal is busy right now," she muttered waving me off.

I walked reluctantly over to the sitting area where Tristan err Tweedle Dumb was standing. I picked the seat furthest away from him which was tough because he was standing right in the middle. I stared at my worn converse hoping he wouldn't talk to me, but apparent my plan didn't work because I heard him chuckle quietly. Just the sound of his laugh set off butterflies in my stomach. I rolled my eyes at how pathetic I was. Seriously? He was a Tweedle. A Tweedle for glob's sake! I glared at him for annoying me.

"Wow, I never thought I would ever see the day that a nerd was sent to the principal's office," he said looking highly amused. This just made me mad. And no one in the right mind made me mad.

"Oh really? Cause I never thought I'd ever see the day that you'd actually read something other than Playboy magazine," I fired back with venom laced in my voice.

"Very funny," he sneered.

I laughed, "No it's actually kind of sad that you can't read a book with a higher level than a 'Barney and Friends' picture book."

I saw his jaw clench and I knew he was mad. Mission accomplished.

"Actually," he said pointing at the book he was reading, "it's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

I scoffed, "Seriously, isn't that bad for your 'popular' reputation?"

He was about to retort before the secretary called me to go to the principal's office. I left, but not before sticking my tongue out at Tristan. He rolled his eyes before diverting his attention back to the book.

I walked down the empty hallway and took a right before heading towards the principal's office. I hesitated at the door, not knowing if I should knock, but decided to heck with it. I barged right in and saw Mr. Simmons sitting at his desk. He narrowed his eyes at me through his tiny glasses before shaking his head.

"Well I guess the secretary really wasn't pulling my leg when she said Beatrice Baxter was sent here," he said. "Now what on earth did you do to be sent here?"

"You see, Ms. Cliff makes a lot of mistakes in class. And being the good person I am, I help her out for the greater good of the class. I suppose she was just jealous that I was right and sent me here," I explained casually.

He sighed at me and shook his head once more. "Honestly Beatrice? You can't just let it go?" he asked incredulously.

I frowned. "But Mr. Simmons I was only trying to help and she acted out of jealousy. Shouldn't she be the one to let it go?" I asked innocently.

He rubbed his wrinkly face with his hands before speaking again. "I do not have the time for this little issue. Beatrice, just be quiet in class and try to ignore it. Okay? Can you do that for me? If you do then I won't let this tarnish your record."

I nodded slowly. I think he knew how important my record was to me, and if it was anything but perfect, I would destroy whatever got in my way. I thanked him and left the room

The day passed quickly after that with the kids running out and screaming "HUMP DAY!" as the teachers fumed. Saying 'hump day' was banned in our school. That only caused everyone to say it more and the teachers dreaded Wednesdays like this one. I walked out of the school's main doors and out to the parking lot to meet up with everybody. We were all squeezing into Kalan's expensive car and going to his house for an ice cream sundae party. It's where we would take all types of ice cream and put it into a giant bucket and then take everything sweet in his house and put it on top of the sundae and dig in. Oh, and Danny was invited, too. Kalan and Danny really connected in their Directioner way and please, an ice cream sundae party and Danny not going? That's unheard of. Even if she wasn't invited, she'd still come. Her plan was to put a whole bunch of Oreo ice cream with Oreos and Nutella on top. Oh boy.

I spotted everybody by Kalan's car waving at me.

"I'm coming!" I shouted as I almost reached the car. Before I even got there, I heard Kalan's fits of laughter. Everyone else was just rolling their eyes because that joke had gotten old. Did I forget to mention that Kalan was one of the world's biggest perverts? Well he is.

When I got there, Mo slapped Kalan on the shoulder, trying to shut him up. Aaron looked at me strange.

"Beatrice, is it true you got called to the principal's office?" he asked incredulously. "Everyone was talking about it."

I rolled my eyes. "Yep! And seriously, people have no lives so they were talking about me? Thats sad. Oh! and guess what?"

Everyone turned toward me and I heard a chorus of 'What's' coming from them. I just smirked.

"I caught Tweedle Dumb in the main office reading. I'm not even lying! And it was a Harry Potter book," I said.

Everyone eyes widened and soon they erupted into conversation, laughing, and Kalan even choked on the water he was drinking. This was the main topic of our conversation was Tweedle Dumb as we squeezed into the car and drove toward the foster home.

When we arrived there, Danny was standing in the drive way holding about five packages of Oreos. Not bad for Danny, she usually had more. She opened the door and just stared in.

"How am I going to fit? All the seats are taken," she complained.

This caused all of us to argue on how we were to do this. After about fifteen minutes, it was settled that Mo was to sit on Aaron's lap given she was the lightest. To her much protest, we finally forced her by promising to get her new combat boots for Christmas. I honestly don't know if we would or not, but it worked.

We drove off with all of us laughing at Danny and Kalan singing to One Direction when it came on the radio, and Aaron grumbling about Mo's boney butt. We all were so different from eachother, and yet, that's what we all shared, difference. It's going to be an interesting week because on Saturday instead of studying, Katie was forcing me to go with her dress shopping for the dance. She talked with Danny and Kalan, and said if I didn't The Picture from last summer would be revealed. My life sucked. I sighed and closed my eyes as Danny and Kalan shreiked out the lyrics to 'The Best Song Ever'

Sooooo there it is! I think it's longer..... So yeah! Byyeeee I'm off to a coloring book party! I'm not even kidding ;)

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