Chapter 1: High School and a Hangover

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{Daniella's POV}

{Hawkins High School Parking lot}

{7:15 am}

I step off the bus silently, the rising sun hurts like hell, another day of high school with a hangover. 

My dirty white Reeboks scrape the worn out asphalt as I make my way through the crowds of seemingly faceless individuals.

 I put in my favorite cassette to my walkman and scan the bodies as I walk. As Iron Maiden blasts in my ear I feel a nudge to my back. 

I figured it was one of the queen bees trying to fuck with me, so I turned harshly. With my hand lifted and ready to swing, my eyes met Dustin's. 

He backed up to dodge me and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Jesus, don't you know not to sneak up on someone when they're listening to Maiden?" I snapped. 

Since I had moved to this rusty town I've gotten caught up in being a full time babysitter, that was not included on the job description at the video store. 

Yet they were there all the time, and even though it was like I was a teen mom, I didn't mind having at least a few friends.  

I took my headphones down and waited for him to speak, he looked at me and stammered. "Sorry, sorry, it's just, I really need your help."

Without thinking I rolled my eyes and continued to walk, he followed me like a lost puppy.

 "C'mon I really need help!" I laughed a little as he walked behind me. 

"Look Henderson, I know I work with your mothers Robin and Steve but that doesn't mean you get to pester me too." 

He relentlessly trailed behind me and no matter how far I walked he still wouldn't shut his trap. 

"But you see it's urgent, code red! I tried to get you on the walkie talkie but I couldn't reach you." 

I turned to him again and snapped once more. "Don't you think that was the plan Henderson? When I feel like dealing with you guys I turn it on, when I don't, it stays off."

He paused for a moment and looked at me puzzled. "But it's never on."

I nodded hoping he'd take the hint, and left him outside the doors to ponder.

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