[1] Secret Keepers

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"There are heroes who walk among us,
Never looking for glory or praise.
They don't seek recognition
For their thoughtful, caring ways."

What if those heroes let you down more than ever expected? What if they showed no remorse? Would that mean everything would change for the better...

Or change for the worst?

~Deathbringer ~

"You can't do that to me."

I slid into the car next to Glory, who was wearing half dress half stripping outfit with her hair in a messy bun. She had light makeup on but that honestly made her look better. Moon slid in next to me, then Sapphire, Winter, Tsunami, Kinkajou, and Turtle.

"What do you mean?" Glory asked me. I put an arm around her shoulders, which she immediately shoved off. "Stop being so touchy."

"I said I was taking you all out to dinner, not some five star resort," Qibli muttered as he glanced at what Glory was wearing. "Glory, are you a stripper now?"

"That's the point. Obviously she wants to make Deathbringer drool," Tsunami said with an oblivious smirk.

"I'm smushed," Kinkajou complained. "We can't all just sit in this small space." She deliberately tried to shove Tsunami over, but miserably failed.

"Well, too bad," Icy said. "I'm already sitting in passenger's seat. Just deal with it."

"If Glory sits on me, we can make more room," I pointed out. "C'mon, Glory. What are you waiting for?"

I felt the engine start and the car started to move. Qibli offered to take all of us on some fancy dinner for our four year anniversary of being best friends. As much as how cliché that sounded, I wasn't really arguing. If food was involved, so was I.

"Ooh, let's put on music," Moon cried. "My favorite artists, of course!" I gave her a weird look.

"No? Obviously I should pick what we listen to," I said dubiously.

"Uhm, what about me?" Tsunami asked, sending us both glares.

"Since I'm the one driving, I'll be the one picking the music," Qibli interrupted loudly. There was a pause.

"Babe, remember that I love you so, so much," Moon said.

"Moon's it is."

I crossed my arms. "Unfair, much? Just because she's your girlfriend and is very manipulative, doesn't mean you have to listen to everything she says."

"Who says I did it because she wanted me to?" Qibli asked, not averting his eyes from the road.

"Nice save," Turtle said as Kinkajou giggled.

"Girls," Icy said as he shook his head. "They abuse their powers way too much."

"Yet you were about to get married to one," Glory said. "We both know you thought Moon looked hot in a wedding dress."

"I definitely knew I did," Moon said, flicking her hair. "Any thoughts on that, Qibli?"

"Uh..." He trailed off as if getting him flustered made him lost of words. I shrugged.

"I only know one person who looks good in a wedding dress," I stated bluntly.

"My mom?" Glory offered and Moon snorted.

"Yeah, right," I muttered. "No. Your mom's daughter."

"I wonder who that is," Winter said with an amused expression.

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