[7] Not A Joke: Part One

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TW: There's an attempted murder in this chapter so for all the viewers sensitive to the subject, skipping this chapter is highly encouraged. Other than that, enjoy!

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your joke wasn't funny,
And neither are you."

What if that "joke" went rogue? What if it caused complications? Would that joke be funny to put together, or would it create uncomfortable situations?


"Qibli? Qibli!"

I internally groaned, feeling rather groggy. I felt myself go numb, unable to process Moon's aggressive shaking. Until I eventually did.

"Ow," I muttered as Moon gently touched my head.

"You passed out," she said gently, supporting my head as she helped me sit up. "And why are you in a closet?" I immediately regained my consciousness and quickly scrambled towards Moon, my adrenaline pumping. "Woah, woah! Are you okay? Why do you look so scared?"

"Riptide," was the only thing I could process out before slowly calming down. I looked up to see Moon raise her eyebrows.

"He knocked you and out you in a... closet?" Moon guessed.

"Yeah. Well, sort of." I slowly stood up on my own and Moon quickly did the same.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked. I slightly shook my head before running my hand through my hair and Moon quickly looked away, blushing—which is the first time I've seen her do that. A slight smirk danced on my lips before I quickly wiped it off as Moon looked up at me again. "Did he even have anything to do with this?"

"Yeah," I said, making my way to my bed. "I came home for break and was looking for something fresh to wear when Riptide locked me in the closet. Not funny. At all."

So... why were you on the ground?"

I tried not to meet her eyes as I crossed my legs. She joined me and sat down on the bed. I sighed. "I've never really told you but... I'm a little claustrophobic."

"A little?"

"Okay, a lot. Like, a lot, a lot."

"Aww, poor you," Moon said sympathetically. "You probably panicked to the point you had a panic attack... and passed out." Then she frowned. "You want me to get him back for you? I know Winter has a secret stash of tarantulas—"

"No, no," I quickly said, even though I so badly wanted to. "It's okay, as much I want to." My eyes suddenly went wide. "Shit—if you're home, then what time is it?"

I scrambled to find my phone, and when I didn't have it, Moon tossed me hers.

"It's two fifty-three—my break isn't even finished yet..." I slowly murmured. "Wait, then why are you home so early?"

"I sorta, kinda, maybe, possibly have gotten... fired..?"

I blinked at her.

"What do you mean fired?" I cried.

"Hey, it's not my fault! Ruby was being an absolute bitch, so she had it coming."

I sighed and planted my face in my hands.

"Now what are we going to do?" I muttered.

"What do you mean?" Moon asked.

"I mean how are we supposed to happen? How are we supposed to have a wedding if we don't have the money?" Moon's eyes widened and she started panicking. A sly smug smirk traced my lips and Moon instantly frowned and slapped my arm.

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