[23] Explanation

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Short chapter, I know. Also, sorry for the long wait and if this went at a quick pace. This book is sadly coming to an end 😪🫶🏾

"When all hope is lost
And tension is in the air,
The only thing that's left
Is the only one who doesn't care."

What if you want to save it? What if there's no other answer? Would give up in anger and despair, or would beg for an explanation in a desperate manner?


I then shoved past Moon and ran to the door before stopping and looking over my shoulder. "Seriously, Moon. Get a grip." I ran out, heading in Deathbringer's direction.

I knew I was in the wrong for saying all of that, but at that moment, I really didn't care. I had way too much on my plate to worry about that. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs. Deathbringer was way faster than me, and I was pregnant so speed wasn't really a skill at the moment.

"Deathbringer!" I yelled, struggling to keep up. "Let me explain–" I was cut off by immense pain. Not the time to be kicking, I thought, groaning in annoyance as clutched my stomach, gripping the railing. "Shit," I yelled, stopping for a moment. I knew I should probably continue running because if I didn't, the babies will probably grow up without a father.

"Ugh," I cried and started running again. When I finally got to the lobby, Deathbringer wasn't there.

"Erm," the guy at the desk said. "Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to be going out at night... in your condition?"

"I've been worse," I scoffed, running out into the parking lot and noticing Deathbringer's car still parked. I looked around for a sign of him, but couldn't find anything. "Deathbringer!" I yelled. No response.

"Goddamnit," I cursed, angrily kicking the air and burying my face in my hands. My head suddenly snapped up when I heard a sound coming from my left. I quietly made my way over, peeking around the building. I noticed Deathbringer crouched on the ground of a patch of grass. He was just staring at the ground.

I ran over to him, calling his name. He saw me and immediately stood up to walk away. "No, please don't run away again. It was absolutely exhausting running all the way here."

He ignored me as he started walking in the opposite direction of me. I quickly ran forward and grabbed his forearm. He almost instantly reacted, yanking his arm away from me and whirling around.

"What do you want?" He exploded, catching me off guard. "To what? Explain yourself? As in why you decided I wasn't good enough?"

"Deathbringer, you're more than just 'good enough.' You don't know the context of the picture!" I said, trying to get his attention to explain all of this so I can go to sleep. I'm low-key kind of tired.

"I think I understand the context pretty well," he scoffed, turning around to walk away again but I stepped in front of him.

"Deathbringer, Qibli wasn't kissing me," I cried. "In fact, you should be thanking him!"

He stared at me in disbelief. "Well, you can go to your mother's mentor now. There's nothing here for you anymore."

Hurt struck across my face. "Stop, don't say that." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Deathbringer, if it wasn't for Qibli, I wouldn't be pregnant right now! I–"


Shit, shit, shit.

What the fuck? Why would I say that? Oh, my God.

"N-no, I meant–"

"Really, Glory?" Deathbringer asked, looking like he wanted to do more than just beat up Qibli. "They aren't even mine? I never thought you would stoop so fucking low, Glory! What the actual–"

"Would you shut up!" I yelled. "For just a moment, let me explain!" His mouth was sealed shut as he clenched his jaw. I took a deep breath. "I was going to have an abortion, I am the reason Qibli was there to begin with. He talked me out of it, okay? He gave me a whole sappy, stupid speech about why you married me and shit, and he told me to keep the kids. If there's anyone you should be mad at, it's me!"

"Trust me, I am mad at you," he said, not seeming convinced.

"I get that, but you just went in there and beat the actual crap out of Qibli when in reality you should be worshiping the dude! Deathbringer, what the fuck? Why would you think I'd do that?"

"I don't know!" He yelled. "I don't know who you are anymore!"

"I'm the same!" I yelled back. "I–..." I stopped, staring at Deathbringer. "Deathbringer. Where's your wedding ring?"

He scoffed and dug deep into his pocket, pulling out his gold and diamond ring before dropping it into my hand. "Here. Take it. I won't be needing it anymore."

I stared down at the ring, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "Deathbringer, what..." Melancholy filled my waking thoughts as I slowly looked back up at him. "Why don't you believe me?"

"Do you even care about me?" He asked, a little softer. "Or are you trying to manipulate me into thinking you do?"

"I'm not a manipulator!" I yelled, tears trickling down my face. "Deathbringer, I love you! And everything I said at Grandeur's place was true! I left my own mother for you! What more could you possibly want from me to prove it?"

Deathbringer didn't say anything as he stood there, staring.

Was Grandeur right? All my life she had taught me that boys out in the real world were bullshit and that it was best if she found me a husband. I've gone against her and disobeyed her repeatedly until she kicked me out. And I thought I could prove her wrong.

I wrapped my arms around myself, seeing my breath in the cold air as I shakily exhaled.

"Was Grandeur right about you?" I finally asked, more in a whisper, though, not meeting eye contact. I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around me, protecting me from the cold.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear, regret in his voice. "God, I'm really, really sorry."


~One day later~

"Do I have to do this?" Deathbringer asked as we stood outside Qibli's door.

"Yes," I said with an eye roll. "You beat the shit out of him. Of course, you need to apologize."

He groaned as I knocked on the door. Deathbringer held his breath as the door swung open. When Qibli saw Deathbringer, he took a quick step back.

"Don't worry," I quickly said as Moon walked up from behind him. "He came back to apologize, not kill you."

"That... reassuring," Qibli mumbled.

"I'm going to leave you guys to it," I said, slowly nodding at Deathbringer. "Kinkajou and I are setting up the gender reveal." Deathbringer kissed me goodbye and I walked toward Kinkajou's place.

I walked in silence for a while before grunting, feeling pain again.

Suddenly, there was a small splash, and a liquid trickled down my legs. I looked down, and to my horror, I noticed my water broke.

~1124 words~

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