[6] Doubted

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"The future never spoke
Nor will he like the dumb
Reveal by sign—a syllable
Of His Profound To Come."

What if you had received a gift to see the future? What would you control with such a power? Would you seize the chance to make the world a better place, or would you abuse it and start to devour?


I felt Blackout's hand rest on my thigh and he drove us to some fancy restaurant called Ocean Prime. It had been a great four years of being together and something told me he was going to propose to me today.

Moon has been ignoring me for the past four years, and I think that's a bit excessive, but it's what I deserve for trying to make her get married. Deathbringer had invited me to his wedding, but I decided not to go. So, I haven't seen my children's faces for almost five years. Kinkajou and Sapphire has paid me a few visits over the years, and sometimes brought me gifts, but that just made me miss Deathbringer and Moon even more.

I reached forward and turned on the radio, listening to Judge Jade. The intro to Judge Jade played.

"Back atcha on Saturday, July 14, 2026. There's been a major breakout of fire in the Little Lakers' Hotel. Police are searching for the cause. But for some epic news of this week, here's a really cute and amazing video of this dog saving this five year old from drowning... Cute, right? Anyway, tune in tomorrow at J.J.'s!"

"At least the dog was cute," I joked.

"Right," he said, smiling at me. I grinned.

"So," I started. "What do you have planned for me today?"

"Amazing things," he said camly, but was smirking at me. "Don't worry, nothing out of the ordinary." I felt my grin falter for only a second, before it turned into a soft smile. Nothing out of the ordinary? So, no proposal? I tried not to feel so down.

"You say that all the time, and last time we went sky diving," I exclaimed. "I want to to know what you view ordinary."

He chuckled and turned to me.

"Definitely not you," he joked. I slapped his arm playfully.

"Look who's talking."

Blackout squeezed my thigh affectionately. He gazed into my eyes and I stared back. Lost in that moment, we both forgot about the wheel. The last thing I remembered was a loud honk and then some screeching before something slammed into us and everything went black.


I woke up from that dream sweating and gasping for air. I accidentally sat up too fast and given the fact I was on the edge of the bed with Qibli, we both came tumbling down.

Qibli didn't even make a sound. He just stirred in his sleep. There wasn't a reaction in his face because this has happened so many time, it's honestly become a routine.

I glumly sat up onto my knees and rubbed the sides of my head with both my hands. I ran my hand through my messy hair before roughly poking his arm. "Qibli?" I poked him again. He didn't even stir. "Are you dead?"

There was a low grumble that came out of him and he weakly rolled over to look at me. "Yeah?" he mumbled, barely opening his eyes.

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Always," he mumbled again before turning away. I poked him again.

"Do you trust me?"

He groaned painfully. "I'd be lying if I said yes."

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