[13] Bargaining Chips: Part Two

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"The assumption others make
About others' feelings and thoughts.
You don't know their struggles
And the demons they've fought."

What if those assumptions are partly correct? What if they're nothing but facts? Would that mean there's something wrong with you, or would that mean they're highlighting your lacks?


"That was so intense," Tsunami said to me, even though I was currently busy trying to unpack and forgetting about everything. I and her were crouched on the floor of Tsunami's room and I was helping her unpack her stuff. "Doing that in front of everyone? I mean, yeah, you and Deathbringer hadn't talked the whole way here, but I think there's still a chance."

"Let's just... talk about something else, Kay?" I asked, trying to desperately change the subject. I was always horrible to him, but maybe it had a deeper meaning than me trying to be hard to get.

"Too late," Tsunami said happily. "He's right there. Go and talk to him." She pointed outside of her room where Moon and Deathbringer were very loudly arguing about who gets the bigger bed. I furiously shook my head.

"No. No way—absolutely not," I said turning away as Tsunami gave me an exasperated look.

"But what if things go well between the two of you? I mean, what if you get married?" She made a humming sound when I pretended to gag. "Come on. We both know you want that to happen. And if you don't talk to him, I think I'll make you."

"I filed a restraining order on you," I quickly threatened. "Take one step near me and it's game over."

"Hey, Deathbringer!" Tsunami yelled. "Come over here for a minute?"

My eyes widened and I glared at Tsunami as Moon whispered something to Deathbringer and he made his way over to us.

Cue the screaming.

"Good luck," Tsunami said, winking at me before tossing me an ear com. "Use this. I can tell you what to say. Just... put it in your ear and repeat after me." She quickly ditched. I scrabbled to my feet just as Deathbringer entered the room, looking around. I walked backward until my back was pressed onto the wall, hoping—no, praying he wouldn't see me. Of course, his eyes landed right on me. To my surprise, he smiled and walked toward me.

Okay, now cue the fainting.

I quickly shoved the com into my ear, glad it wasn't me living this moment right now. Just Tsunami. Focus on Tsunami.

"Hey," Tsunami whispered into the com.

"H-hey," I stammered as he stopped a few feet in front of me.

"Hey," he said back, giving me one of those looks that said, 'I'm trying so hard not to laugh at you right now.'

"Glad to see you," Tsunami whispered.

"Glad to see you," I said way too quickly but I tried my best to brush it off. "Uh, so I feel like what I did back at the New Years' dance was a bit excessive, but, uh. You know how I feel, and I wanted to know if you still felt the same way. But it's okay if you don't—I was a bitch to you, so I get it if you... don't." These aren't the dumbest things Tsunami has ever made me say. Well, a good amount of that was just me being scared that I was pushing it.

"I do love you back, Glory," he said, taking a step forward as my voice caught in my throat. Then he grinned at me. "Just as a little sister, though."

I wouldn't be exaggerating if I told you my heart was literally and figuratively crushed.

"As a... little sister?" I asked, then saw the sad smile he was giving me. I immediately glued my eyes to the ground. "I mean, yeah, yeah, no prob. Yeah, I get where you're coming from—anybody would lose interest in someone not worthy of them—and I'm not saying you're not worthy of me! I'm saying the literal opposite."

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