[10] Bargaining Chips: Part One

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"You never said, 'I'm leaving.'
You never said goodbye.
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knows why."

What if your loved one's disappearance isn't the only problem? What if everything goes down in chaos? Would you go on an intense manhunt, or would you simply let it lay off?



Hey, Qibli. If you are here now, then I am not. That doesn't mean I'm dead, don't worry. It just means I'm off to start a fresh life. But you were one of the best things that happened to me. I just wanted you to know that. You can start a new life, too. Find someone new. Start fresh. Love you.

What's up, Tsunami? Someone once let me know that real and true friends don't doubt each other. I don't mean to be rude, but I've learned a lot from you. It doesn't matter how much time you spend with a person—it matters who you're spending it with.

How are you, Winter? I feel like we were never really that close. I mean, in our high school years together, I have grown fond of you. If I'm being honest with you, before Qibli came into the picture, I may have fell for you at some point. But, like you said, I say a lot of crazy things, right? So I guess you wouldn't have believed me if I told you in person.

Hello, Riptide. I don't actually have much to say to you, since we don't have much history together. But from the short time I've known you, I know you're a total jerk. Period. And even though Tsunami might be fake, so are you. And she totally deserves better.

Good morning, Turtle. You don't talk much, everyone knows. But you're kind and understanding. Remember when we first met and we were instantly friends? That was the day I met another person that was important to me. Extremely important to me. Kinkajou's lucky to have you... for now.

Nice day, isn't it, Glory? I've been through hell and back, and so have you. We both have two things in common, though. We both have crazy moms... and we both love Deathbringer. And even though of your flaws and overall sarcasm, we all always enjoy your company. You by far have the prettiest personality out of all of us. Thanks for being there, Glory.

Icy. My future husband. Isn't that funny? How we both were going to get married to each other? You're kind of like Winter. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys were secretly brothers. You never did anything to me. You were... nice company at times. But, trust me, when you have the opportunity, take it.

Kinkajou Bright. Hey, there. I ruined your holiday, I know. I'll make it up to you. I'll leave so there won't be any negative energy, if that helps. But you were definitely the most brightest person I know and you can always, and I mean always make someone feel better. Remember when Tsunami broke her arm but you made her laugh by singing the most dumbest songs ever? Yeah. You're the best.

And last, but most definitely not least, Deathbringer. My brother. My family. You and I are sometimes rough against each other and we definitely have our differences, but you're the person I know will never leave me. We've through too much for you to do that. Glory's lucky to have you, and treat her well. But, please don't try to come after me.

To you all I wish the happiest of days. Bless you, Glory. Love you, Qibli and Deathbringer. Screw you, Tsunami. Hate you, Riptide. Thank you, Kinkajou and Turtle... and goodbye all of you. I don't think I'm ready to leave all of you because you guys are my family. My home.

But as they say, if you wait until you're ready... you'll be waiting the rest of your lives.

~Love, Moon~

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