[18] No More Secrets

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"When secrets are kept
And are suddenly unleashed,
The only thing that is left
Are two matching heartbeats."

What if you try to pry the truth out of someone? What if you need patience for it to work? Would you be gentle and considerate of their feelings, or would you pressure them into feeling worse?


I came home to see everyone crowded in my living room, looking like they had just experienced a massacre right before them. I dropped my luggage on the floor as I stared ahead, not really knowing what to say.

"What's going on?" Moon asked from behind me as she stepped inside my room. "Is this a welcome party? Where's the food? I'm hungry."

Qibli quickly stood up and gave both of us a nervous smile. "So, uh, don't get mad, Deathbringer... but we're pretty sure - "

"- Glory's dead," Icy said with a casual shrug. "At least, that's what we think."

"What do you mean Glory's dead?" I demanded. "Where is she?" I frantically looked around.

"Glory's... dead?" Moon asked. "What? How? Where is she?"

"Let me explain," Qibli quickly said before I could start throwing things. "Yesterday, we were just talking, right? And then she just stood up and ran into your room, locked the door, and never came out. She won't respond to us and we can't hear anything." He proceeded to glare at Icy. "And no, we don't think Glory's dead. We think she's just ignoring us... for some reason."

I walked at a quick pace toward the door to our room, knocking on it.

"Already tried that," Winter muttered.

"Shh," I hissed, pressing my ear against the door. "Glory? If you can hear me, please say something." No reply. "Glory?"

"We already tried that," Winter said in an annoyed tone. "We tried unlocking it from the outside, and Qibli even tried breaking down the door. Nothing's working."

"So..." Kinkajou whispered. "How do we know if Glory's okay?"

"I'm sure she's fine," Turtle whispered to her. "She's probably mad, or something."

I backed away from the door, getting ready to break through it. I ran at it and almost collided with it when the door swung open. Glory and I simultaneously yelped as I crashed into her. I barely managed to catch her.

"Glory!" I cried. "What the hell was that?" The others quickly crowded into the room, staring in annoyance a Glory. I quickly helped her up.

"Wow, all of that hard work, and she's alive?" Icy asked with a scoff. "I swear to God, I don't get paid enough for this." Glory glared at him as she brushed herself off.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, trying to embrace her but she just brushed me off.

"I'm fine," she said. "I was just... sleeping. That's all. You guys overreact too much." I opened my mouth but she was already walking past us and into the living room, plopping down on the couch. "Anybody have food?"

"Okay, what is going on," I asked, stepping in front of her. "This whole month, it - it's like you've been avoiding me. On top of that, you've been repeatedly lying to me. Did I do something, or what? Is this how it's going to be from now on?"

Glory ignored me, grabbed the remote control off of the table, and started clicking through the channels.


She glared up at me and back toward the TV. Qibli sighed and beckoned for the others to follow him, leaving Glory and me alone. I sat down next to her and plucked the TV remote out of her hand, tossing it onto the other side of me.

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