[19] Welcome Back

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(Just wanted to make a short chapter as a lead-up to a long chapter. Also, I wanted to apologize for the long wait for chapters, that's why I've been trying to post as quickly as possible these last few days. Also, no poem today since I don't see this as an actual chapter. Thank you all for the support. <33)


We all quickly walked out of Deathbringer's and Glory's room, leaving them to have a nice chat about, well you know, life.


"So," I said as we all headed to Qibli's room. "You all missed me or what?"

Nobody responded, causing me to frown. They all awkwardly glanced at each other before Kinkajou spoke up,

"I mean, why would we?" She asked, muttering under her breath. "You literally left us all a note saying how we should move on. You didn't even say goodbye in person. Nope. Just a note and gone. And then you come back with a smile on your face after Tsunami, Glory, and Qibli all risked their lives to keep you safe? Honestly, it was better when you were gone."

I was speechless. "W... Well, I said sorry for that, didn't I?"

"What's sorry going to do?" Tsunami suddenly said, stepping up. "You know, at first I thought I could just forgive you and forget about it, but Kinkajou's right. You owe us way more than just a 'sorry.'"

"Hey, guys, let's chill out, okay?" Qibli said, quickly interfering. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt my heartbeat halt. "It's her first day back, right?"

There was a long moment of silence as they all stared at each other before all of them burst out laughing.

"We're just messing with you," Tsunami laughed as I stood there, confusion written all across my face. "It's all good. Really. You were just stressed out and did what you thought you needed. We understand."

"Really?" I asked, sounding relieved and Kinkajou nodded.

"Also," Tsunami added. "I'm... I'm sorry I called you a joke. I didn't mean it. Riptide was just making fun of you and I agreed because I wanted to keep him happy. You know how it is."

I nodded. "All forgiven. So, how is it going between you and Riptide, anyway?"

Tsunami looked away. That's when I realized both she and Qibli looked really uncomfortable.

"I like someone else," she explain. Was it my imagination, or did she briefly glance at Qibli? Had something happened while I was away?

"So," Icy interrupted. "What did you do anyway?"

And that's how it went. We all talked and talked and talked, catching up with each other. How could I just abandon the best thing I had? What was wrong with me?


Glory and Deathbringer came to Qibli's place after an hour, joining the rest of the gang.

"So, what'd we miss?" Glory asked as she and Deathbringer sat down on the couch, Deathbringer wrapping an arm around Glory's neck as Glory rested her hand on her stomach. From the looks of it, they seemed to sort everything out and were now on the same track.

"We're just watching the new Netflix show, Wednesday," I said with a shrug, snuggled up against Qibli.

"I'm not going to lie," Qibli said. "I feel like Moon was exactly like this when I first met her."

"Nah," Kinkajou said. "She was worse." Everyone laughed, including me as I rolled my eyes.

"In my defense," I said, "our school had a lot of creepy weirdos. What else was I supposed to do, go around sharing rainbows like Kinkajou?"

"Actually, I prefer unicorns," Kinkajou defended with a grin. "Also, I have some good news." Turtle glanced up at her with a raised eyebrow as Kinkajou stood up. She showed all of us her right hand, which had a silver ring displayed.

I audibly gasped as Deathbringer said, "Oh. You guys were still together?" Glory smacked him and he winced. "My bad. I just didn't think they were still together." Glory smacked him again, but harder. "Okay, okay! I'll shut up."

"When's the wedding?" I asked before Kinkajou could start yelling.

"After Glory's gender reveal, of course," Kinkajou said.

"My what?" Glory asked sitting up straighter.

"Your gender reveal, duh," Kinkajou said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. "You know, to find out the baby's gender."

"Shit..." Glory mumbled, looking like she'd completely forgotten about that. "I totally forgot about that."

Tsunami laughed as she leaned back. "Don't worry. Kinkajou has been planning that since the moment she found out you were pregnant. Everything is pretty much settled."

"Well–" Glory started but was interrupted when there was a knock on the front door.

"It's open," Qibli called, and to my surprise, Winter came into view. "Oh. Hey, Winter. What's with the luggage?"

"I'm joining the war."

~810 words~

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