Deceit (+ Bonus Section)

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Agatha fell asleep that night with her head on Tedros' shoulders. Tired, sleepy, and content, she felt so happy in that moment that she wished she could live like that forever.

They had been borderline delirious in their euphoria as they had returned to the house they were living in; Agatha had giggled constantly, her face as bright as the sun, and Tedros had looked fondly at her, kissed her nose affectionately, and whispered sweet nothings to her. Over the weeks, she had built up her courage to ask Tedros to stay with her as she slept. And he had smiled and said, in that cocky tone that somehow was still gentle, "Always."

Agatha snuggled closer to him as she felt her eyelids close, but still struggled to stay awake, if only to preserve the moment. For a little while longer, they held hands and talked in hushed whispers. Then, after a few minutes, she nodded off, after whispering good night to Tedros. With a smile on her face, Agatha went off to dreamland.

The boy sat up in the darkness, gently covering her with the thick blanket. Tedros left the room quietly, though there was no need. Agatha was well and truly asleep. It would take all of Evil attacking Gavaldon to wake her now.

He stepped out of the house, closing the door, which shut with a squeak. Slowly, he made his way towards the Elder's headquarters. The place where people married. The place - as Agatha had told him - where they hung women if they weren't married. Tedros knocked twice, before someone opened the door. The three Elders sat at a long table, making him think of his father's Round Table. Then Tedros shook his head. It wasn't time to be reminded of the past - his and Agatha's future depended on this.


"Now I want you to tell me exactly what you propose," he said. "Because if we want to kill Sophie, we'll have to do it in a way so reluctantly, that Agatha must believe Sophie forced our hand."

The eldest Elder sighed and tapped his long fingers against the table. "That girl poses no threat," he said. "Pink and sunshines, that all that she cares about. Looking pretty and being vain."

"I'll have you know she's a witch," Tedros said, a hard look in his eyes. "She's always been one, and she's vicious, cold, heartless - "

"Be that as it may," the Elder interrupted, "She hasn't bothered this village so far. It's been about a month, and nobody's gone out of the Woods, screaming and holding weapons." He examined part of a table, as if Tedros was beneath his notice. The rest of them nodded agreement.

Tedros felt a slow anger boil through him, burning his blood and scorching his insides. "You don't know her, though," he insisted, annoyance making his voice rise. "If you want your village to burn in flames, then I'll just sit back and watch. I wouldn't even bother... but this is Agatha's home."

"You can leave now," the Elder said, not taking his eyes off an elaborate piece of the table. The other two shifted away silently.

Tedros stood up, pushing the chair back. He drew his sword, causing the other Elders to stand up too. "I would cut off your head right now," he snarled. "That's the same result that'll happen to you if you ignore my warnings." He lowered it, pushing it back in the sheath. "I'm done talking to you, and you, and you," he said, facing all the Elders. "Agatha and I will be leaving, and all you can die for all I care."

He stormed out, still furious that they weren't taking him seriously, when he saw Agatha standing at the porch of the house, her eyes wide, clutching to a blanket. "Tedros!" Agatha cried, her bare feet protesting as the sharp rocks dug into her feet, but she hardly noticed as she ran towards him. "Where were you? I thought Sophie had gotten you..."

She looked over him, a slow anger starting from her stomach to her heart as she saw the Elders leaving the meeting place in the distance. She squinted at them. "You didn't tell me you were going to... I thought you were going to stay with me... You lied, Tedros."

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