Discussion Post #2

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Yes. Yes. YES.

So today the book finally arrived in the mail for me, and I immediately started reading! It's really thick, actually. O.O Well, more for me to read, anyway...

I know a few of you probably still haven't gotten the book, so for each discussion question I will mark them as spoilers. Actually, if you haven't gotten the book yet, stop here. Stop here.

If you're still reading it, lucky you! No spoilers yet...

I know that a lot of these questions will be answered as you go on! That being said, you do not have to reply to all of these questions. You can either go through all of them, or you can just skip to the most recent chapter you've read up to and answer those. (I'm around page 197 right now, and I understand if you want to reveal spoilers, but please warn about them in your comments before you post for the others and I) Pleas feel free to comment and reply to other comments as much as you want!

"The Master and the Queen" Questions (1 question)

SPOILERS. Spoilers on every single question! You have been warned.

1) What were your feelings towards Rafal (The School Master) while you were reading this? Were you surprised that Soman C. made him a gorgeous, young, sixteen year old boy?

"After Ever After" (3 questions)

1) Wow.. Galvadon has changed a lot. Stone bunkers in the place of houses, guard with spears, Witches Wanted... How do you feel about that?

2) Hmm, Callis is acting suspiciously. Why do you think she knows Agatha is a Reader?

3) Ack! They're not going to stay in Galvadon! What are your feelings about that?

"The New or the Old" (1 question)

1) Um -- Stefan is seriously different. Scratch that, so different that my mouth was open the whole time. Do you think he's harsh for judging Agatha when Sophie was the one who caused her to return home?

"Death at an Execution" (2 questions)

1) Were any of you surprised at the fact that Callis was a witch? Darn it, I was so sad when she sacrificed herself to give Agatha time to run away. Anyone feel the same?

2) Okay, I'm not going to say who pulled them into the grave, but do you think it's Sophie's mother? (Spoiler alert below)

"A Princess Returns" (2 questions)

1) Disturbing that Red Riding Hood's Wolf and Jack's giant came back -- scratch that, VERY disturbing. What do you think that spells for Good?

2) PRINCESS UMA!!! She's alive! Oh, well, I'm very happy for her! (Even though I thought she was dead) What are your reactions towards that?

3) What's your reaction to the new gravestones and cemetery? Where do you think there's a spot for Sophie's mother?

4) Um... UM... That's messed up -- Sophie accepts Rafal's ring and now all of Evil is alive! What do you think?

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