Complications (+ Bonus Section)

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I just wanted to say that I'm really glad that you all commented with feedback! I read and thought about what everyone said!

However, since more people chose Option 1, I'm going to keep writing at a measured pace.

Comment if you want me to try to write and update once, twice, or maybe even three times a week because of option 1!

I love all you guys! Thank you so much for reading! School finally ended today for me, so I'll try to update more if you want me to!

They walked for what seemed like hours in silence, with Hester occasionally glancing over her shoulder. Seeing Hester so nervous made Agatha feel sorry for her, at least until she snapped, "If you don't get that pitying look off your face, in a few minutes you won't have a face."

It was good to be with Hester again.

They ducked from branches and sloughed through mud. Agatha and Tedros had to let go of each other's hands so constantly that they gave up.

"How much farther do you want to walk?" Tedros asked Hester cautiously, as if he was poking a dragon. Hester's demon unfurled itself slightly from her neck and bared its teeth at him.

Tedros stopped asking after that.

But after walking another mile, Agatha forced them to stop walking. "Where are we going?" she asked. Hester's eyes softened slightly.

"We have to go so far that they won't find us. Every day we move a little. So just a few minutes more." They continued in silence, until Hester paused. "I think -- I think you two should keep your heads up after this."

Agatha tripped over a tree branch. "What?"

Tedros paused. They had just entered a very small clearing covered in grass. The meadow was just big enough for what seemed like fifteen silver and glass coffins.

Dread pooled in Agatha's stomach. "Who are -- "

Tedros peered into the closest one, curiosity overtaking him.

Dark hair, fair white skin --

It was Princess Uma.

She was covered in scratches and marks, and dressed in a slender white gown. It couldn't hide the large, gaping wound at her heart. Her eyes were closed, but Princes Uma looked anything but serene.

Lips pursed, her hands at her sides, curled into a fist --

Agatha noticed vaguely that her mouth seemed to be forming a whistle.

"The princes," she gasped. How could have the Dean Evicted her, knowing that bloodthirsty princes were waiting?

"She was the first death," Hester snapped. "Now after you two have finished ogling over a dead body, I suggest we get a move on!"

Agatha jumped before hurrying out of the clearing, following Hester.

However, Tedros lingered, eyes on a coffin halfway through. It was a former Prince, wearing the deep set uniform of the School for Boys. His folded arms held a bow.


Tedros hunched over in shock.


He left the clearing without looking back.

Barely ten minutes later Agatha had almost put Professor Uma's face out of her mind. However, Tedros was still reliving the experience of seeing his best friend's dead body.

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