To Destroy Trust (+ Bonus Section)

692 19 21

Here's an early update! Enjoy!

About a fourth of a mile ahead of Hester and Agatha, Tedros and Beatrix were walking together. They had walked through several small clearings; all looked exactly the same.

"You're new, and you don't know how things work, so I'm putting you in a group of four. There'll be a leader that can show you how everything's done." Tedros tried to follow her train of thought as they walked through branches into another clearing.

"Will I know the person?"

"Most likely, yes."

Beatrix continued explaining what they would be doing. "If your leader in your foraging group says to run, you run. If your leader tells you to drop all the food, you drop all the food. You can depend on the leader with your life, but they cannot do their job if you don't follow instructions. Is this clear?" She glanced at him. Tedros took a deep breath, pausing slightly as he smelled an intoxicating smell. It seemed like honey and flowers mixed together.

Tedros nodded quickly. "Thank you for explaining everything, Beatrix," he said. Beatrix looked at him for a second, her gaze softening. Tedros smiled back. He leaned a little closer to her, golden hair rippling in the light.

Then she stepped away. "You can call me Trix."

Tedros blinked. For a few moments, he'd felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her.

That wasn't right. He'd never harbored feelings for Beatrix, not even when he hadn't known Agatha as he did now. She was pretty, and top of the class, but Tedros never felt any romantic stirrings towards her. It had always been Sophie, until the Trial -- then Agatha, his true princess.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't me," he apologized. Beatrix waved it off.

"It's a confusing perfume. I've been working on it with Kiko." She laughed at his expression. When he still didn't get it, she elaborated. "We've dusted and sprayed it on paths for the people who try to find us. It reverses intent."

His cheeks flamed red at the same time she blushed. "N-n-not that I hate you, Beatrix -- " he stammered.

"It's okay. Agatha's not that bad; you could do a lot worse." She walked faster, avoiding his gaze. "We should keep moving."

"What happened to Chaddick?"

She ignored his soft question. "Beatrix, what happened -- "

The girl took in a large breath, visibly trying to control her emotions. And another. And another. "I said for you to call me Trix," she snapped, but paused. Slowly, she turned around, gazing into his eyes. "He wasn't the right one for me," Beatrix breathed, face now blank of all previous emotions. Tedros closed his eyes as she clasped her hands around his neck --

Their lips met. Tedros took another breath of that wonderful fragrance as Beatrix pulled away slightly for air. Somehow Beatrix had never seemed so beautiful with her blonde hair, topaz eyes, and slim build. She backed him against a tree as they drew closer.

Agatha and Hester walked on in silence. "I know I seem angry right now, Aggie," she began. "But you have to understand the situation you put us all through."

"I know." Agatha sighed again. "This time everything will be right."

"But what's right? After Good and Evil are restored, what's going to happen? Is Evil going to lose every battle, get killed by every Nemisis?" Hester shook her head. "That's exactly how the School Master got us into this mess."

Agatha opened her mouth for a reply just as Hester moved a branch aside, letting them walk further --

Tedros and Beatrix were kissing passionately, Tedros' mouth moving down her neck. Agatha held back a gasp. Hester's eyes widened. Then she took a breath, eyes narrowing. "Agatha, there's an explanation for this -- "

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