When Sophie Doesn't Like Cucumbers...

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Example: When Sophie Doesn't Like Cucumbers, The World Has Ended (Lol I actually think that might be true)

Sophie shoved the girl under the bed right as a servant knocked on the door. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but you're requested to come downstairs."

"I'll be right there." Sophie dashed around the room -- "Where is it, where is it!" -- before skidding to a halt. She grabbed one of her black dresses and thrusted it under the bed, ignoring the squeak of surprise. The floor of her room was black too, so the gown blended in perfectly.

"Stay under until I come back up, and don't make a sound," she hissed at Belle. She eyed herself in the mirror. Her smooth blonde hair was still neat but her face was flushed. Sophie breathed to ten before opening the door and walking downstairs.

As she descended the stairs, the glass slippers punctuated each step with a clink, matching the thud of her heart. Had he found out the depth of her betrayal? Would he send the skeletons after her?

But when she came down, all she saw was him, holding a black rose. His mask was gone and he smiled at her. "Sophie, where've you been?"

"In my room," she muttered.

The School Master's expression didn't change. "I want to apologize for my actions earlier. They were rash and unthinking."

"I forgive you," Sophie said quickly. He laughed.

"Doesn't love trump all -- war, anger, and fights." He came closer, tucking the rose between her right ear. Sophie stood there, still, as he said, "Let's have a dinner together." The School Master held out his arm and they sat down together at the long table.

Sophie picked delicately at the foods in front of her -- all healthy. She moved the cucumber around her plate, mind still on Belle. What if a maid was going through her room and found her? What if the School Master ordered her to be killed, and then turned on Sophie too?

"Dear, are you all right?"

His glacier blue eyes watched her shrewdly. Sophie sat up straighter and smiled. "Not feeling hungry today?" Sophie shrugged. "You've never not eaten cucumbers before."

"Maybe I have a new perspective of them," Sophie said absentmindedly. Where was Agatha now?

"Indeed." With a graceful, fluid motion, he stood up. Sophie watched him. "I have to work on something right now, but in a hour I promise to talk to you."

"Make that two," she said hurriedly. When he looked at her, Sophie added, "If it's really important you should take your time."

The School Master smiled, bending down to kiss her hand. "Of course."


Sophie trudged upstairs. She sighed, running a hand through her silky blonde hair. How had she gotten into this mess?

She opened the door.

"You're back!"

A little girl popped out underneath her bed, covered in black. Sophie shrieked, stumbling into a drawer where she fell against. The crown resting on the drawer tipped along with it as she and the drawer came crashing down. She scrambled up, backed away, and slammed the door.

Then she remembered.

She sheepishly opened the door to see the girl disengaging herself from the long, flowing dress. Sophie stepped back into her room and closed the door. Belle had a look of intense irritation. "Can you please not make such a racket?"

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