Discussion Post #1

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Aaaaaaaaand it's July 21! Finally, the day that The Last Ever After comes out has arrived! (In the U.S... I envy any of you living in England ;))

Has anybody bought/read The Last Ever After yet? Comment below if you have! Since I preordered it, I have to wait a little more for the shipping... 2 days at the least, 6 at the most.

Comment below in your response to these questions! If the number is italicized, do not answer it yet as it's only for the people who have bought the book.


1) What's your reaction to finally, finally being able to hold the book and leaf through the pages?

2) How far have you gotten so far? (No shame if you haven't started it.) And are there any surprising twists or new characters that have come into play? Just comment yes or no and on further posts you can talk about it. NOTE: NO SPOILERS, please, as a lot of us (and I) haven't read the book yet! I'll provide posts where you can discuss parts in the book.

3) Just out of curiosity, to any of you that are planning to buy the book or have gotten it, where did you buy/order it? Amazon? Barnes&Nobles?

These questions were intended for us all to just think about our initial reaction on the day the book was published. Feel free to comment and reply to any questions that apply to you! I'll definitely reply to all of the comments!

That said, please do not remove this from any of your reading lists/library! There will be a lot more -- I assure you! Maybe even a role play if I have extra time :D (Comment below if you think that's a good idea)

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