Freeing the Storian

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Good/Bad news:

I've decided that I'll be updating two to three times a week! I want to get as many chapters in before the book comes out.

However, I'm going to be busy too, so I will no longer supply Bonus Sections. After the book comes out, I'll do a couple of those, but until then, I won't. I hope you guys aren't too disappointed. :(

On another note..

Hey guys, I'm going to be starting a new story soon! Right now, it'll be called To the Seas.
Hopefully, you'll all check it out when I publish it!
I'll publish the first part in July, and really start writing it after the Last Ever After comes out. :)
For now, enjoy!

Sophie pushed away the sandwich. "I'm not hungry," she muttered. The School Master sighed, turning away. Sophie scowled at the table. Ever since they had faced off Agatha and Tedros, she'd been sullen and angry.

"Sophie, darling, I have good news," he said quietly. She waved her hand off, as if flicking away an annoying fly. The School Master's eyes narrowed before he continued. "That fairy girl's parents gave up the Storian to get her back."

"And have you given her back?"

"That's hardly the point, Sophie. The fact is that we have the Storian now, and we can control the fairy tale -- "

"But last time you killed your brother and the Storian killed off all the Nevers."

The School Master's eyes turned hard as flint as he looked at his true love. Sophie sighed as his arctic blue eyes stared at her. "I'm sorry, love, not feeling like myself today." She entwined her fingers with his, smiling apologetically. "Go on."

"And if you're not hungry, you can go see it."

Sophie breathed out a puff of air, suddenly unable to control her temper. "And the girl? What of the girl?"

The School Master sighed. "Her family will be reunited with her."

Sophie watched him. "Alive," she said tensely.


Sophie flinched as the School Master towered over her, ghostly white hair rippling in a nonexistent breeze. "You've been like that since that meeting with Agatha and Tedros. Don't tell me you don't want them dead. They tried to kill you. They tried to kill me." He jabbed a finger at his chest.

Agatha's expression as the arrow pierced her side; Tedros' look of disgust and fear; both of them united against Evil -- they all flashed through her head, blocking out the School Master's voice -- and the tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. "Isn't there another way, another path?" she pleaded brokenly, tears falling from her face. "Can't we all live in peace? We don't have to take over Good, we don't have to fight..." She didn't want to be Evil, she wanted to be Good, she didn't want to see her former best friend's expression of pain anymore --

With a snarl of rage, the School Master gripped her throat and shoved her against the wall. "Are you having second thoughts? Do you still want your Agatha?" He tightened his grip, eyes burning with a suppressed hatred at all things Good. "Because she would kill you without a second thought, Sophie."

Sophie gasped for air. He released her, face cold. "What kind of villain are you if you can't even stomach a little blood?"

He stalked away, leaving Sophie on the ground. She lay there, shivering. What didn't scare her were the words he spat, nor the expression on his face -- it was that she could finally see the true Evil behind his handsome facade.

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