Discussion Post #3

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So after finishing the book, I honestly am stunned. The ending, the whole story.. Really beautifully written. Feel free to talk about the ending on later discussion posts! But anyway, here are the discussion questions.

Sorry about the late post, though remember that you can still comment about something even if you've already read it. Don't worry, though! I have a pretty long update about something special that'll come up soon, and it's a story :)

"A Forest No Longer Blue" (2 questions)

1) Ack, the poor forest! What do you think about the new Blue Forest?

2) Why do you think it reads 'Old' and 'New' now?

"Evil is the New Good" (5 questions)

1) NEW Evil? 'Skin-hugging black pinafores over plunging green blouses'? 'Thick-heeled boots'? Wow! What do you think about the New Evil?

2) NOOOOOOOO Evers being forced to learn Evil is so... Evil. What do you think about that?

3) I just teared up a little when I saw Kiko in a black veil... didn't you?

4) Hort. Hort. Hort. New Hort is... HORT. Thanks to one of you commenting that 'Hort is hot :D', I was forewarned, but still... What do you think about this? 

5) Lord Aric, Queen Sophie... what kind of schedule is this? What are your thoughts about the new teachers?

"When Good Rescues Go Bad" (2 questions)

1) Aww... I feel bad for Princess Uma. I never thought that she had a Prince who... yeah. What do you think about her real fairytale?

2) 'Before each brass pair lay a dwarf's body, facedown in a puddle of blood.' Chilling... what do you think?

"The Worst Evers Ever" (1 question)

1) Yuba! Another person not dead! Did you expect him to be alive? And what do you think that spells for their future?

"The Missing Thirteenth" (3 questions)

1) Just had to comment about the picture on the page of the first cover.. (If you need a refresher because you've already finished the book, go to page 135) TEDROS FAINTED! Not only did he faint, Agatha had to catch him... and right before he fainted he said that 'princes don't faint'. Anyone think this is hilarious? No? Just me? (slouches off)

2) Tinkerbell. Peter Pan. Cinderella (who's terribly rude). Pinocchio. Hansel and Gretel ('Are we heppy yet? ARE WE HEPPY YET? + the german accent' LOL good impression of Agatha...not). Briar Rose. Jack. Red Riding Hood. The White Rabbit. All... old. (winces) What do you think about that?

3) Merlin! MERLIN THE WIZARD! What do you think this foreshadows? (besides Tedros fainting)

"Appointment With the Deans" (3 questions)

1) I knew it! I KNEW IT, Aric is Lady Lesso's son! The resemblance was all there: the violet eyes, chilling voice... Who else thought the same?

2) Who do you think the spy is? (To anyone who finished the book and realized the real spy, comment that!) 

3) Hmm sounds interesting... her own class! How well do you think Sophie will teach the class? And how well do you think the students will like her? (cough, cough)

Stay tuned for the next discussion post!

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