First Promise Kept (+ Alternative Ending)

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(This is a bit short, I apologize)

Sophie chanced a glance at the large clock in the corner as they sat together. It had been four hours, and she still hadn't returned to her room yet. Belle must be going mad with worry. She smiled at the School Master.

"Hey, I'm kind of feeling tired. I'd prefer if I could go to my room."

He smiled warmly. "That's quite all right. I'll walk you back."

"That's not necessary," Sophie said quickly back. He laughed and stood up, his slender fingers entwined with hers. She felt a burst of warmth as they walked out of the several rooms.

As she reached for the door, Sophie paused. She prayed that Belle would have the wits to remain silent.

"Finally, I was so -- "

The small voice was instantly cut off as she and the School Master stepped in. He stepped around, eyes narrowing, but after a few moments of scrutinizing the large room he looked back at Sophie. "That's quite odd. I thought I heard a voice."

His glacier blue eyes seemed harder than usual as she squirmed under his gaze. Sophie gave a breathtaking smile as she shifted, seemingly absentmindedly moving her ring hand in front of her. His eyes caught the ring and he laughed. "It must have been your imagination," Sophie said. "I never heard anything."

"Of course not." He turned to leave, before saying quietly, "Sophie, if there's anything you're hiding, you'd do well to share it with me."

"Of course," she said calmly, though she could hardly hear her words over the pounding of her heart.

"Though there may be consequences for keeping anything from me, darling." His eyes flared and she gulped silently.

"I know. That's why I have nothing to hide," she said, smiling.

He turned and left, shutting the door. Sophie let out a sigh of relief, but then covered her mouth as he opened it. "I'll be along in a few hours," he said.

This time she waited for a minute, but then saw that he was really gone. "Belle, you can come out now. Belle."

The girl stepped out, her eyes squinted. "It's disgusting."

"What?" Sophie watched as she slid out of the snakeskin cape and placed it on the lavish canopy bed. The girl breathed in and out. Was it just her imagination, or did the girl look healthier, her cheeks rosier, her green eyes brighter? She looked closer and almost gasped. The girl's wings were now there, pink and blue and white, all beautiful colors. But they were still faint.

"You and him. Your relationship is just... wrong."

"Like you can give me love advice?" Sophie snorted. She remembered when she'd first seen Tedros and asked Agatha the same.

The girl's eyes seemed endless. "I'm older than I look."

Sophie shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I care about him and he cares about me."

Belle laughed, sitting down on the bed. Her locks of hair dangled over her face. "Keep telling yourself that." Her wings flickered for a moment as she sat there.

"We don't have a lot of time," Sophie said, changing the subject.

"That's right. Where were you with him, anyway?" she eyed the blonde girl. Something had changed her, something that made her eyes dart away and make her body shift uncomfortably. Something that --

Her eyes fell on Sophie's hand and she stifled a shriek.

Belle fell back, frozen as she saw the ring. Her eyes widened even further, making her face pale. The girl's chest heaved, her breath came short --

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