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As we all know, I'm sure, the real book is coming out in July! That means I'll only be posting a few more chapters before The Last Ever After comes out. I just finished writing this week's chapter (True Evil) when I realized this fact.... (Yes, I can be slow on the uptake considering I've been obsessing about the book for months...)

Please comment what you think I should be doing (and yes, I actually value and read your feedback!)

1. Continue writing the chapters at a normal pace, even if I won't finish.

2. Write chapters that wrap up the story quickly so I'll be done with the book in two or three chapters. Scratch that, in four or five...

And give your reasons why!

IF you want reason 1, additionally comment if you want me to keep writing the chapters after the amazing book has come out.

IF you want reason 2, additionally comment if you want me to update twice every week! But I still wouldn't be able to finish the fan-fiction.

OR, the wonderful (did you note the sarcasm?) third choice!

3. End the story with a ridiculously happy note (such as Sophie killing the School Master and all three of them living happily Ever After, AND the School united and such forth)

But you can't seriously think that would happen. -___________-

If you do, I think we all have to revise the first two books and the chapters I've just written and relook at Sophie's attitude towards life... (Cough, I'm all alone, I only have the School Master, Agatha chose Tedros over me...) NOTE: this is unrelated but if you want to read a rant scroll down..

Again, PLEASE comment on what you think! Thank you!

PS: this has nothing to do with the fanfic, but..

Is everyone having a wonderful summer? BECAUSE I'M NOT. Lol, I still have another week of school.... -_- end this torture already!

... Just why did Soman Chainani have to give this attitude about choosing your best friend over your boyfriend? Why? WHY CAN'T THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER??? I kind of feel as if this whole concept of choosing someone is ridiculous... Can't Agatha have both? Can't Sophie share Agatha with Tedros? Can't Tedros share Agatha with Sophie? Lol...
And going deeper, WHY does Sophie have to act as if AGATHA betrayed her at the end of the second book? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? The way she acted.... First, breaking up Tedros and Agatha's kiss, then giving that attitude about the School Master being the only one and Agatha 'not being Agatha anymore'. JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A FREAKING PRINCESS DOESN'T MEAN SHE'S NOT AGATHA ANYMORE! *growls*
I apologize for ranting... I'll just end here ^-^

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