Chapter Three

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The gang gazed at their prize trophy in the glistening spot light. As Sabrina asked Mr. Shark to lift her up by raising her arms, Wolf spoke. 
"We all know we couldn't have done this without any of us. I may have made the plan, but," Wolf trailed off for a moment. "I couldn't have done it on my own. Snake," As the name was said, Snake puffed out his chest lightly. "We couldn't have opened the safe without your skill. Turantula, we couldn't have gotten in at all if it wasn't for you. Shark, once again you have created the best disguises-no one even noticed! Piranha, we would've got caught if it wasn't for you. Sabrina, we couldn't have done it without you either." Wolf said while tapping her nose, making her giggle a little. He then stepped back and continued. "And this is our first trophy to show how bad we are. But we couldn't be bad without each other. Let's keep this as a reminder. A reminder that together, we can do anything!" There was a cheer spread across the room as those words were let out. Wolf smiled wildly at the gang before taking Sabrina in his own arms. 

"Wolfie." Sabrina said shyly, making the gang's eyes widen, then fall in a large-pupil stare. Wolf wagged his tail a little before giving her a small tickle in the stomach, which she returned with laughing. 

"I'm starting to think she's like a daughter to me." Wolf told the gang, making the smile and return to their normal faces. 

"Then I am aunt Turantula!" Turantula added, earning confused blinks. "C'MON! We're family here!" This made the gang nod and let out murmurs of agreement before all coming in for a group hug.
"Can you say, Turantula?" Mrs. Turantula began to ask after the embrace ended. Sabrina blinked before smiling. "Say it? C'mon." Turantula told the baby, trying to be convincingly sweet. 

"Everyone knows she'll say Snake next." Snake chimed in, slithering over to join in trying to get her to say his name. "Can you say 'Snake'?" 

"Snack?" Sabrina asked loudly, making Snake's wide smile turn into a deadpan. He shook his head. 

"No, no, 'Snake'." He began to sound it out. "Snake, can you say snake?" His words slithered out his mouth. Sabrina clapped her hands together, preparing to say it. 

"Sn..." She trailed off for a moment, earning the gang's wide eyes, especially Snake's. After a pause, she finally yelled out. "Snack!" She cried out, making Snake facepalm. 

"See!" Turantula called out to him, turning to the baby. "Can you at least try to say Turantula?" Sabrina pouted her lips, staring down at the spider. 

"A boo?" She asked in her original baby voice, making Turantula frown a little more. 

"Sorry, she calls Spiders who aren't you 'boo's' because they scare people." Wolf explained, earning Turantulas eye roll. 

"Well at least she knows I'm a spider and not a 'snack'." Turantula smirked, looking at Snake, who glared slightly at her. "Can she say Shark's name?" Shark's eyes lit up at the idea. He immediately ran over. 

"Try Sabrina! Say Shark!" Shark shouted out happily. It was a pretty easy name to say. Sabrina jumped around, laughing and not saying anything. Shakr frowned. "Come on!" He groaned. That's when Piranha came out the bathroom door, making Sabrina leap excitedly. 

"Pirhaha!" Sabrina said, not getting the name exactly right. Piranha let a toothy smile spread across his face. Sabrina ran up to him and hugged him tightly, there not being much of a size difference. "Pirhaha!" She ran to Mr. Wolf suddenly, leaving Piranha dazzled in confusion. 

"Alright, Piranha's got second place, but who's in third?" Shark asked, making the Team share a glance. They immediately ran to Sabrina shouting out their names. 

"STOPS!" Sabrina yelled over them, holding her arms. "I no wanna." She told them, making them sadly frown. 

"Alright, well, it is actually bed time for you so..." Wolf began to say, seeing the girls sad face turn into an upset one. 

"I no wanna sleep!" Sabrina told him, making his place his hands together and laugh nervously. 

"Well you have to, so," He paused to scoop up the girl, earning her screams of bloody murder and crying. He dealt with this a lot, so he ignored it. While they were going down the short hallway, Wolf heard faint words from Snake, who was wrapping his tail around his head to pluck his ears. Everyone else was plucking their ears as well. 

"Just give in so she can stop!" Snake shouted out, making Wolf shake his head. 

"No, then she'll do this more often." Wolf told him loudly, continuing his journey to her bedroom. Snake shared a glance with the crew before they all falsely fainted at the thought of this happening every single day.  

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