Chapter Twenty-Two

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That's when the bad guys zoomed off with the meteorite, successfully bringing it to Diane Foxington and the Chief, who seemed to have been talking for a while. When they stopped the car, the Chief seemed shocked. The whole gang cheered until they saw the birthday hat. 'We still haven't got back Snake and Sabrina...' Wolf thought. He sighed, placing his face on the steering wheel and earning Diane's skeptic gaze. When he looked back up, they zoomed off, making Diane mentally facepalm. But honestly, he had a good reason. 
That led them to where they were at: riding around, swerving around obstacles. Marmalade had already used all the guinea pigs as weapons. He controlled their mind with the helmet he made. As the car rode, it bounced up a little on the guinea pig road. 

"Snake! Sabrina!" Wolf cried out, gaining his attention. When he saw that back-stabbing son of a Wolf, (technically-) he frowned, then glared, pulling Sabrina, who waved a little, close to him. 

"We need you guys, baby!" Shark shook his hands, yelling out to the helicopter. 

"And you need us!" Tarantula added, shouting. "So get your butt's down here!" She called out. Snake shook his head, pushing Sabrina back further into the copter, gently. 

(The next scenes might change a little. I ONLY WATCHED THE MOVIE ONCE. I believe I stated this beforehand)

"Why?! So you can stab me in the back again?!" Snake shouted out to Wolf, making him frown. 

"Buddy, I," Wolf paused, looking to the dashboard, then back up. "I'm sorry!" Snake frowned, not accepting the apology and instead slithering back into the copter. "Snake!" 

"Boo hoo! Now let the plan exceed!" Marmalade shouted out, thinking hard on what he wanted the guinea pigs to do. They swerved into a road type deal, then a large snake-like creature. Wolf did his best to manage the car, but controlling this vehicle was hard at the moment. The guinea pigs kept tapping the vehicle, making Wolf skid across the pavement.

"I don't think you're gonna catch him." Snake said, worry was lacing his voice as he wrapped his tail around Sabrina. Marmalade pondered for a moment. "We need a distaction." He muttered under his breath.

"I think I know what we could use..." Marmalade said before grabbing Snake's tail. Then Snake realized. Marmalade flung him out of the copter before Sabrina cried out.

"Dadda!" She ran to the edge of the copter, being smart enough to stop. Wolf saw Snake falling and widened his eyes, immediately thinking of a plan. Marmalade flew up with the meteorite, taking Sabrina with him. But the thing is, he didn't want to.

"You better not!" Shark shouted out to Marmalade, who stood behind Sabrina with a mischievous smirk. Wolf looked up and realized, 1. There was a bridge he could use, 2. Marmalade was about to push his daughter off the helicopter. He shook his head, growling a bit as he maneuvered around cars to get away from the guinea pigs. 

"Oh, you cared so much about your 'Daddy Snake." Marmalade said in an annoying tone. Sabrina began to cry, looking to the evil piggy guinea. Marmalade smiled evilly before pushing her towards the edge. 

"Oh my gosh, look!" Webs called out as Marmalade shoved Sabrina to where Snake was. She began to fall, screaming from the impact. 
"SABRINA!" The whole gang cried. Snake looked and noticed Sabrina falling. He used his tail to move through the air, getting to her.

"I'm coming!" Snake assured, finally being close enough where Sabrina gazed up towards him. "I got you, sweetie." Snake told Sabrina as he hugged her close, wiping away the tears. Wolf blinked before jumping the ramp, attempting to reach them with his car. That's when it began to fall. They weren't fast enough. Everything fell out, and now they were all falling. "You came back!" Snake said happily. 

"I should've been honest with you, I thought if I told you I wanted to be good, you would..." Wolf began, trailing off slightly. 

"Act like a jerk and never talk to you again?" Snake half chuckled as he asked, Wolf laughing for clarification. 

"Yeah, point is, I..." Wolf paused, not knowing if he wanted to say it. "I love you." Snake smiled.

"I love you too buddy." Snake returned sweetly, the two hugging, but Sabrina being in the middle. She didn't mind. As they broke the hug, Sabrina leaped to Wolf, the whole gang came circling around, holding hands and crying a bit. 

"I can't believe it's the end." Mr. Piranha said, wiping away tears. Wolf then smiled.

"Who said it's the end?" He asked mischievously. "Sabrina, go to Snake-y!" Wolf ordered nicely, Sabrina obeying and following. 

"Hey sweetie." Snake muttered to Sabrina. Wolf then grabbed a grappling hook and shot it towards the cliff, everyone holding on as they swooshed through the air, reaching the cliff safely. Chief pulled them up, and after they got up, to her surprise, Wolf stuck out his hands, and told the chief,

"Do what you have to do, Chief." Wolf smiled sadly, sticking out his hands and making the chief stutter. As the chief cuffed them all, without them fighting it, they were led behind the camera of Tiffany Fluffit. 

"The saga of the bad guys has come to an end with a sinful yet satisfying conclusion." Tiffany told the camera. "Although I wonder, what happened to the meteorite?" As she stared with a confused gaze into the camera, Marmalade's copter flew down from behind her, making everyone gaze towards it. "Professor! Here to comment?"

"I tried to help them, Tiffany, but in the end it's the same old story:" Marmalade began to say, making the bad guys glare. Even little Sabrina knew that he was lying. "Bad guys bad, good guys good." Tiffany Fluffit nodded at his statement, and a small mutter came from the crowd. 

"So true, so wise." Tiffany said to the camera.

"So for the good of the city I have generously decided to take the meteor back to my compound for safe keeping." Tiffany smiled widely at Marmalade's 'kind' words, the whole crowd before them clapping. 

"Thank you, gosh you're kind." Marmalade grinned at the crowd, not realizing the clapping was activating something. When the Chief stomped up to it, Sabrina curiously following, she was both furious and confused.

"This isn't the meteorite! It's a lamp!" Chief exclaimed, making Sabrina jump up happily, and Snake chuckle. The crowd gasped as Chief demonstrated by clapping. Marmalade looked around as if he didn't know anything. The bad guys glanced at Snake when they heard his plotting laughter. 

"What?!" They all asked, Snake remembering how he accomplished the whole dang thing. Marmalade looked around confused.

"If that's the lamp, where's the..." He trailed off, looking to Snake, whose words weren't appealing for him at the moment.

"The old switch-a-roo!" Snake said, making everyone look at him. The gang blinked as Snake raised his tail, the real meteorite exploding where it looked like he was holding it. Marmalade's jaw dropped, and his eyes widened, making Sabrina giggle. As the teal blue light came out of the mountain, Snake slithered his tongue to taste the sweet salvation in the air. After it all faded, Wolf patted Marmalade on the head, and Sabrina followed, surprisingly not shaking him out of his trance. 

"But this can't be!" Marmalade stuttered out a little before the lamp collapsed onto him. As this happened, a little diamond popped out of him, Sabrina waddling over and picking it up.

"A rock." Sabrina uttered, handing it to the chief, who inspected it. 

"Hold on," Chief began, realizing what it was after bringing it close to her eye. "This is a zupangal diamond! But this was stolen by the..." She paused before gasping loudly. "By the Crimson Paw!" The chief pointed at Marmalade, Tiffany running over to film the capture of the 'Crimson Paw'. 

"O-M-G!" Tiffany began, interrupting Marmalade's stutters of disagreement. "With a shocking twist the infamous bandit known as 'The Crimson Paw' has been made out to be none other than Professor Marmalade." The title on this would be wicked, and the bad guys shared a victory grin. They did it. Marmalade was proven guilty, even if it wasn't for the correct crime. 

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