Chapter Six

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"Yeah," Wolf began to say, after he and the gang had just escaped another car chase and got away with a heist. "We may be bad guys, but we are so good at it." 

"Not again! No, no, no, no!" The police chief yelled out again and again, fuming with rage. "Keep running Wolf. One of these days, your luck will run out!" As the police finished shouting, Sabrina unbuckled herself and waved goodbye as they zoomed, making the police blink in confusion. 

Back inside their place, it was decorated for a birthday. Snake's birthday. Anyone could still see all the prizes we had acquired the years before, and even the Golden Dragon Fly from Sabrina's first heist, but today was about Snake and only Snake. 

"Alright Piranha! You're up!" Wolf called out to Piranha, landing the cake in its rightful spot. Snake slithered up to the table with a half-glare half-deadpan expression. They all knew he didn't want this, but, he was their pal; they just had to do this. On the other side of the room, Sabrina had just picked up a balloon and was now squeezing it to her chest. 

"Balloon is mine." Sabrina stated, waddling over to Wolf's leg. Wolf helped her up onto his hip to see Snake, Piranha beginning the most beautiful sounding birthday song. 

"Happy birthday-" Before he could even go on, Snake blew away the flames on the cake, staring at everyone. He did not need this. Tarantula groaned, shaking her head almost. 

"Seriously!" She told the birthday-grump, making him glare more. Sabrina blew a raspberry and Wolf nodded a little, leaning over to nudge Snake. 

"Come on Snake!" Wolf told him. "At least make a toast!" Snake took a moment to let out a sigh, turning to the group. 

"Okay alright, listen." Snake began to say. "I made a lot of enemies in my time. A lot. But out of all the people in the world, I hate you guys the least." The words made the gang a little emotional. No one had ever heard such sweet words. 

"Aw." Tarantula crooned out. 

"That was actually kind of beautiful." Piranha added on, actually tearing up a bit. Sabrina nodded a little. 

"Yah." She said shyly, making Wolf smile.

"You're a poet man." Shark added on, making the grump put on an almost smile. Almost. It was still a birthday. Wolf lifted his glass and held it for a moment, Sabrina craving the red substance inside. This only made Wolf move his arm away from Sabrina's grasp. 

"To Mr. Snake!" Wolf stated loudly, earning Snake's embarrassment. "And his strange dislike of birthdays!" Sabrina clapped and the whole gang gave a toast, cheering while doing so. Snake hated attention, so he waved this off. Then, everyone gathered to take a picture.
"Everyone say, 'robbery'!" Wolf cried out to the gang, them all listening and yelling it out. Sabrina even did as well. Wolf smiled widely at the picture. "Look at those dimples!" He shouted out almost, putting Sabrina down to play with some balloons in the lair. "Happy birthday buddy." 

"Okay, now dig in guys!" Snake told the gang, motioning to the delicious looking pastry. Snake knew everyone was waiting to eat the cake. Before anyone could though, Piranha was already munching through the whole thing as if it was only one crumb. This left the gang speechless. Piranha then fell onto the plate, wiping the leftover frosting away. 

"Come on!" Wolf yelled out. 

"Hey!" Shark groaned too, Tarantula staring at the empty plate in silence and sadness; but also horror. Piranha just ate it like that. If I could snap in book terms, I would. 

"You snooze, you lose." Piranha told them, shrugging a bit. "Oh, but I did save this piece." Piranha said, making the gang's eyes widen. He pulled it up and prepared to call a name. "SABRINA!" She immediately ran over, scooping the cake into her mouth with her free hand that wasn't holding her balloon. 

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