Chapter Nineteen

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"Oh, you like that..." Snake said after scaring some people, making Sabrina clap. He smirked. "Well I could do that all day." Sabrina grinned, showing her cute little gap. Snake felt himself smile before turning to the people, who had seemingly scattered away. 

"Ah-yah!" Sabrina tugged on Snake's shirt, making him gaze towards her. He blinked.

"You wanna learn how to?" He asked, making the baby nod. "Okay, all you have to do is yell." And that's what Sabrina did. She started small, but it got bigger and bigger. Snake felt accomplished when Sabrina scared away the mail man from someones house. 

Snake's flashback faded inside his head as he and the gang slithered on. He fought the urge to turn back towards the place where he heard the car door slam. How could Sabrina choose Wolf over him? Pretty easily he supposed. The one guy he thought he could trust, stabbed him in the back. He meant what he said. What if Sabrina wasn't coming back? What if Wolf wasn't? Truth was he loved 'em both. In fact he was a little jealous of Foxington, but that was a different story. He slithered on, staring at the distance through sore eyes. 

Meanwhile, Wolf, Diane and Sabrina were at Diane's secret hide out. It was just a random apartment she owned. Wolf gazed around and saw no weapons of the sort. Sabrina waddled inside, following Diane.
"So this is the hideout of the great Crimson Paw?" Wolf half asked, looking at the beige, ordinary ceiling. Sabrina watched as Diane typed in something in the microwave, Wolf walking over, holding his hands behind his back. He then leaned on the fridge with his forearm. "Okay, snack break, odd time but you do you." Wolf began to say, Diane smirking when he nearly fell back as the fridge slid open as a door. He jumped when he saw the secret door. "What?!"

"Identity Verified, welcome Diane." The computer voice said. Sabrina looked around to see where the voice was coming from. When they came down, the room opened up, and weapons formed in the walls. Wolf was shocked and Diane held a smug look. 'Just getting a snack, huh, Wolf.' She thought to herself, Wolf bouncing around the room. 

"It feels so good to be home!" Diane cheered lightly, Sabrina walking over and following her to the table Diane now sat criss-cross on. Meanwhile, Wolf was running around, checking out everything. He even almost got zapped with a lipstick-laser thing. Sabrina was picked up by Diane and put onto the table. "Alright come on, we gotta plan!" 

(...Time Skip Cause I Forgot The Plan...)

"That means..." Diane began, trailing off. Wolf and her eyes lit up at the same time. "We have to steal the meteorite!" They said in sync. Wolf then leaned back, a flirty look in his eyes. 

"That was cute..." Wolf began, pointing between him and Diane. "What we just did..."

"Alright," Diane rolled her eyes playfully, smiling a bit. "Come on Sabrina, put your big girl pants on!" Diane then looked up to Wolf with a small smirk playing on her face. "You too, Wolf, we're gearing up." She told him, throwing a ninja-like suit at him. After Wolf got dressed, they pulled weapons from the walls and Diane gave Sabrina a very powerful nerf gun. Very powerful. She knelt down. "You only use this when I say, okay?" Diane asked, Sabrina nodding. 

"Yah!" She agreed, a small smile on her face, earning Diane's pat on the head.

"You did great raising her Wolf." Diane complimented, not realizing that Wolf had been staring at her while she was talking to Sabrina like a mother. "She is a very good child. Also," She began, walking past him. "You have a very nice secret hide out." She pressed some sort of button to reveal the car. The bad guy's car. Wolf's mouth fell open, then he smiled widely, running up and hugging his vehicle. 

"You stole my car?!" He sounded more happy than upset, and Diane smirked at this. "Respect." Wolf muttered before realizing the type of weapon she held. "Oh yeah, I wouldn't take that, those rip your pants right off."

"Well then wear clean underwear," Diane told him, flipping the gun and making him widen his eyes. "Just in case." She used her teasing tone. The three hopped inside the car, Diane driving while Wolf buckled Sabrina up, then himself. "Let's go!" Diane called out before they zoomed off. After a moment of driving, she skidded to a stop. "Did you get a change of diapers?" 

"Why do we need to?" Wolf asked, half opened eye-lids showing his smirking face. "She's potty-trained." Diane raised her eyebrows.

"Really?" She asked, making Wolf give a nod. "Okay..." Diane said before zooming off. She moved around obstacles wildly, ignoring other cars. She sped across the highway bridge, cutting off some cars before continuing. Sabrina laughed a little as Wolf realized something.

"Wait a minute it's my car! Why don't I drive?!" He asked, making Diane glare at him. 

"Because I know the faster routes!" She told him loudly, raising her voice in annoyance with the question before swerving around a Scion XB. She continued to race around the highways before reaching the place. 

When they were lowered inside, there was the meteorite and the Dolphin. Wolf tilted his head, Diane helping Sabrina get down. "That's strange, why would Marmalade leave the Dolphin unprotected?" Wolf asked, Diane mentally rolling her eyes at his dumbness. She put Sabrina on the floor before commenting.

"Because, maybe it's a trap." Diane remarked, putting one palm out.

"Or maybe..." Wolf began to say, reaching for it. 

"No-wait-WAIT-" Suddenly, everything went dark. 

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