Chapter Eighteen

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After that, the gang rode the boat to the sea shore. Once they reached the end of the sea, Diane hopped out of the boat, shouting to Wolf. "Marmalade needs to be stopped, you can't do it alone, you know his compound better than anyone." Diane's words were stopped by Wolf's.

"You can count on us," Wolf assured, turning to his gang. "Right guys?" After a sad pause and no response, Wolf's smile faltered. "Guys?" He asked once again. Snake snapped his head towards him. 

"There is no us, it's over Wolf, done, finito!" Snake shouted out slightly, raising his voice to the merest. Sabrina clinged to Snake's side, watching the slight quarrel in sadness and confusion. 

"Because of that little tiff back there?!" Wolf asked, laughing in amusement almost. Snake took this seriously, glaring lightly at his friend. "Come on man, that's what we do: you serve, I volley, that's a little dance." 

"Yeah, well," Snake began to say, making Wolf's heart rise. "Not anymore." Wolf's smile dropped into a sad frown. "Because the one guy I thought I could trust," Snake began, his angry frown falling into a saddened stare as well. "Stabbed me in the back." Wolf's eyes widened. The grey clouds surrounded it as the gang began to walk away, staring sadly. "Come on guys, let's go." Snake told them, slithering away. He took Sabrina's hand in his tail, but Sabrina stayed put, making Snake look back. "I said come on." Wolf stared at the child, who shook her head.

"No," Sabrina told Snake, looking at him. Snake widened his eyes understanding. He felt sad at first, but then it turned into slight anger. He looked at her, then to Wolf.

"Fine, go with Wolf." His voice was laced with venom as he told her. Sabrina listened and waddled over to Wolf, clenching onto his leg. Wolf picked up Sabrina, gazing at his best friend slithering into the distance with the gang. 
Later, Diane, Mr Wolf and Sabrina managed to find a car. Diane and Wolf drove for very long hours, stopping every half-way to change Sabrina. 

"Are you okay?" Diane asked Wolf, slowing the car to a complete stop. Sabrina gazed up from her small nugget meal she got from McDonalds on the way. Wolf shook his head, thinking about everything. 

"No, I'm not okay." Wolf told Diane, earning her sympathetic smile as he went on. "My only friends, my gang, they just left me like that!" (I forgot the lines here, don't kill me!) Diane nodded a little.

"Hey, if they're real friends, they'll rethink and come back." Diane put a hand on Wolf's shoulder, making him smile lightly. 

"Yah." Sabrina agreed, making both Diane and Wolf smile wider. 

"Plus, you got Sabrina, if they don't come back you have her." Diane pointed out, Wolf looking at the dash board a bit sadly, but in understanding. "Listen, it's hard to lose a friend, but I've lost many before. What I've learned, don't always get attached." 

"But we've been friends for so long." Wolf told her, lifting his arms almost. "I just didn't wanna lose them." Wolf then stiffened up, afterwards relaxing into position. "Alright, Diane, let's do this."

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