Chapter Thirteen

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Later in the night, Wolf couldn't sleep. He couldn't even hang out with the guys. He decided to get up, Diane's words racing through his head. He wandered outside, finding the tree with the cat. Wolf felt like he could try this again. He climbed up into the tree, scaring the cat by accident. 

"Hey there, I think we got off to a bad start, the name's Wolf." He stated, unaware Sabrina was trying to escape the house to join him. The cat cowered back slowly. "Yeah, I get that a lot in first impressions and all, the story of my life." Once the cat stepped somewhere else, she tripped and Wolf caught her, placing her on a more sturdy branch. He then backed up, giving the cat some air to breathe. "I'm not gonna hurt you, it's okay." Wolf said in a calm voice. "I know you're scared. I would be scared too, if I were you. But you don't have to be, just give me a chance. Truth is, we have so much in common." The cat stared at Wolf weirdly almost before crawling closer. Gingerly, after a moment, the cat crawled into his hands and he froze slightly.
Meanwhile, Sabrina had finally opened the sliding door, waddling around the pool dangerously. That's when Snake slithered out to see, the others following. Piranha was the first to notice Sabrina, catching her and pulling her aside by grabbing her hand. She listened and followed, gazing at the kitty in Wolf's hands. 

"Kitty!" Sabrina cried out, making Wolf nod calmly. He lowered down so Sabrina could pet it. Gently, she placed her hand on it, and it purred. 

"Wolf," Web's began to say. "You saved it?" Just as she said that, Marmalade stepped out of the bush, cheering. "Yes! Yes it's working!" The gang blinked. 

"Wee-cord?" Sabrina asked, walking to Marmalade, who nodded. 

"Yes, and they're all starting to like you! You might even win them over at the gala!" Marmalade called out. The gang shared a cheer before Wolf was pulled aside by Marmalade. The other members walked (or slithered) inside. "I must say, Wolf, you really turned a corner. If only you didn't have so much baggage." Wolf stared at him before Marmalade went on. "You have a potential Wolf, but at some point you are going to have to choose between your friends or the good life." He patted Wolf awkwardly before running off, leaving Wolf to think. 

As everyone came inside, Sabrina let out a little hum, trying to say a word. Everyone ignored the humming from her, settling on the couch. Wolf stayed outside just a little longer, gazing at the stars a bit. 

"Snake." Sabrina blurted out, making the whole gang gasp and turn towards her. Snake slithered up to her suddenly, a smile of amusement spread on his face. 

"Say it again!" Snake ordered, moving his tail around a bit. Sabrina tilted her head at him, walking past him and climbing up onto the couch. "Come on! I heard you say it!" 

"Hungry." Sabrina whined while rubbing her stomach. Snake groaned. 

"You're hungry?" He asked in an annoyed tone. Sabrina nodded, sliding off the couch and running through the thresholds before Snake could catch her. He shouted out quietly, the whole team sharing a glance before running after her. "Sabrina?" Snake called out.

"Sabrina!" Webs shouted, using two of her legs to cup her mouth. 

"Sabrina! Sabrina where are you?!" Piranha yelled, looking around the giant lamp. Soon, the whole gang's voices were clamoring over each other, calling out Sabrina's name. She finally popped up, holding a chocolate bar she got from Cuddles. 

"Sabrina! God, don't do that to me!" Snake yelled out, checking her all over. Webs smirked at the sight. 

"Aw, so you do care." She teased, making Snake groan, gazing towards her immediately. 

"No I don't! It's just that Wolf would be mad if anything happened to her!" Snake shouted to her, grabbing Sabrina's free hand with his tail and dragging her along back to the room. On the way back, Webs whispered to Piranha and Shark. 

"I think he does care." Snake groaned at Webs words.

"I do not!" Snake remarked, shouting, earning the gangs slight laughs. 

"Right, right," Webs returned. "Forgot you're the 'mean' one." She had an almost mocking tone in her voice, one Snake got annoyed by. After a moment, Snake let go of Sabrina to prove a point, Webs taking this as an opportunity. Sabrina trailed behind, but Shark kept an eye on her. "Sabrina's gone again." Webs stated with no emotion, making Snake turn around quickly with wide eyes. When Sabrina came into his view, he glared. "You do care, don't lie." Snake groaned, looking to the ceiling. 

"Fine I do, so what?!" Snake snapped, grabbing Sabrina with his tail once again. He no longer had a point to prove. 

"So..." Piranha began, trailing off a bit. "That means you aren't just a grumpy-pants." 

"Well, he is, he just has a soft spot for Sabrina." Tarantula added. Snake looked between all of them in irritation. 

"Just drop it guys, this is a topic I do NOT want to talk about." Snake hissed before his and Sabrina walked away. Webs, Piranha and Shark shared a smirk before following. 

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