Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey! Leave her alone!" Snake cried out, watching and listening to Sabrina scream bloody murder as she was taken away. 

"Sabrina!" Wolf shouted out, being pushed away. "You're making a mistake, we didn't do it!" Wolf continued, although the chief didn't believe him. "I know we always say that but this time it's true!" Sabrina's loud wails echoed over the place once more before the chief responded. 

"Lalala! Can't hear you! Oh now you're done forever, Wolf!" The chief gazed at him, stating loudly in a mocking tone. As they got shoved into the van, Wolf stood up to argue. 

"Talk to Marmalade! We're very good now!" Wolf shouted out, Tiffany Fluffit coming onto the scene. 

"Tonight's headline is that change is impossible, always judge a book by it's cover, and all stereotypes have been affirmed!" Tiffany yelled out into the microphone, Marmalade trying to speak over them. 

"Stop, for goodness sake, let me speak to them, I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding!" Marmalade yelled out over Tiffany and the screaming baby. Diane got a hold of Sabrina, trying to comfort her. Meanwhile, inside the van, the gang had just heard the news. Marmalade stepped inside with them before the chief slammed the door, allowing the six to speak. 

"You have to help us! Tell them we didn't do it! I need my daughter back!" Wolf pleaded loudly, hearing the girls small, faint cries from inside the van. 

"There, there, of course you didn't do it. How could you? After all, you're such a good boy." Marmalade said, patting Wolf's hand. The voice was so familiar. It sounded just like the old lady. Wolf's eyes widened as he realized something. 

"You..." Wolf began, completely shocked and feeling betrayed. "It was all you." 

"What are you talking about?" Snake asked as Wolf began to explain. 

"The old lady, the Golden Dolphin, the 'good' training," He listed, the gang sharing a glance. "It was all to get us HERE!" Wolf continued, venom in his voice. "So Marmalade himself could steal the meteorite and let us take the fall!"

"Whoa, what old lady? And what would a guinea pig want with a meteorite anyways?" Just as Snake asked, Marmalade began to laugh. Not just a laugh. A maniacal laugh. A crazy laugh. An 'I wanted to set up the bad guys' laugh. The whole gang stared in horror and grimace. 

"Guys, he's creeping me out." Shark told his pals in a nervous tone, Piranha, who hung on chains, spun around so he couldn't see anything. 

"What is going on? Someone turn me around?!" Asked Piranha, loudly. 

"Well, well," Marmalade began with a too evil grin on his face. "You finally get it." 

"Wait, so you stole the meteorite?" Shark asked, lacing it all together in his head. Marmalade slightly shook his head. 

"Oh, it's not just a meteorite." He told them. 

"I TOLD YOU IT'S A BUTT!" Piranha yelled out excitedly. 

"It's not a butt!" Marmalade shouted back. "It's the ultimate power source! You see, when it struck the city, scientists found that it emitted a powerful electromagnetic frequency, unlike anything else on earth!" Marmalade explained, chuckling darkly. "I'm gonna harness it's power to pull off the greatest heist the world has ever seen!" 

"Wait." Piranha and Shark said in unison. 

"What?" Shark said, extending the time he let it out. 

"YOU SHOULD'VE EATEN HIM WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE!" Webs groaned to Snake, who nodded and agreed promptly. 

"But why us?" Wolf asked, hurt lacing through his voice.

"Because you're the perfect patsies! Come on, when people look up 'bad' in the dictionary, do they see a cute adorable guinea pig? No." Marmalade told Wolf in a too gleeful tone. "They see you. And that's all they'll ever see." He then struck a pose to prove a point, looking ever so adorable.
"And maybe Sabrina," Hearing the name come from Marmalade's mouth made Wolf both wince and get more upset. "Can help me out here, cause come on, people don't see an adorable baby either when they think of bad?" Marmalade simply stated, making Wolf growl angrier. He then jumped at the professor, Marmalade being ever so sneaky as to open the door.

"You little poochy-cheek rat! YOU'RE DEAD! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU HEAR-" It was too late, Marmalade opened the door and the whole crowd saw. 

"Help! Help! The big bad wolf is attacking me!" Marmalade cried out. The crowd gathered, and so did Sabrina. She was running up to the vehicle when she noticed how crazy and full of rage Wolf looked. She then ran back, hiding behind Diane, who looked completely shocked. 

"Wait Sabrina!" Wolf called out, not getting any reply from the child. "I didn't mean to-"

"Oh no, you are done forever, Wolf!" The chief said, stomping over and interrupting him. The chief slammed the doors on Wolf, leaving for him only a glance at a disappointed Diane, and a scared Sabrina hiding behind her. This isn't what he wanted. Not at all. 

"Professor, professor, any idea how the bad guys managed to steal a meteorite in plain sight?" Tiffany asked in her 'news reporter' tone. 

"Well on the top of my head, perhaps they accessed the site previously and set up an intricate system of tunnels and trap doors that could be remotely triggered to suck the meteorite down into a holding area!" Marmalade told her, making Diane gaze over in interest. "But how should I know?" He added to sound less suspicious. "They're the deranged masterminds, not me!" 
Diane almost glared. Some things didn't add up to her. As the baby clinged onto her leg more, she gazed down in guilt. Maybe they did change. She then looked at a paper Wolf had. It had a specific place marker down on it. X marked the spot alright. Diane decided to follow and get to the bottom of this mayhem. It concerned her. 

"Don't worry." She told the child beside her leg, looking down sweetly. "We'll find this place. And I'll find out everything I can," Diane started to say, picking up the child. She gazed at her and smiled. "Sabrina."

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