Chapter Eight

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"Pretty!" Sabrina called out to Wolf, pointing to Shark's disguise. Wolf and some of the other members of the gang blinked before Shark smiled at Sabrina. 

"Alright, let's bounce!" Wolf said awkwardly, walking out of the room, making the others follow suit. 

When they arrived at The Museum, there were many guests who were in a line, also wanting to get in. Once they reached the stairs, a limo pulled up, and Professor Marmalade stepped out. Everyone watched as the guinea pig got flooded with paparazzi and pictures. 

"Professor Marmalade." Wolf muttered under his breath almost, letting his eyes roll naturally at the attention the little guy was receiving. Before he could go on, Sabrina pointed at the rodent, tugging on his pants. Wolf looked down before following her point. 

"Piggy guinea!" She cried out, making Snake turn and see as well, him licking his lips. Just then, Tiffany ran to the side of the professor. The eager girl couldn't wait to get her hands on a story. 

"Professor, in the past years you've stopped wars, fed the hungry and saved countless pandas!" Tiffany cried out, although she kept her monotone reporting voice on as well. She flashed a smile before going on. "Some have described your goodness as only second to the Mother Teresa!" 

"Oh Tiffany," The humble guinea pig began to speak. "It's not a competition! And if it were, it would really be more of a tie. But we can all agree that there is a flower of goodness inside of all of us, waiting to bloom!" This made some of the gang roll their eyes. Everyone around Marmalade began clapping, letting out faint cheers. His words really did sound great. Marmalade waved to the crowd before continuing on his journey. 

"Once we get inside," Wolf began to whisper, Sabrina asking for a lift with her arms. "There are two armor doors." Wolf explained. "The first floor can only be opened by a special key that is carried at all times by a dear friend, the chief of police." Imagining how hard it'd be getting that key even made Shark wince. But, they all knew they were good at being bad. "The second is outfitted with a retinal scanner that only works with Governor Foxingtons eye, and it's also guarded by an elite special ops unit trained to strike first and ask questions later." 

"Fox?" Sabrina asked, making Wolf nod. 

"Yes, I was about to explain that. Since Governor Foxington is the only one who has clearance to open the second door, step two is that she and I will need to get up close and personal." As they entered the doors, the bad guys shared a cheer. 

"It's show time!" Everyone stepped into the main hall, Snake taking Sabrina's hand with his tail. The big open space in the middle had been turned into a reception. Tables were set up everywhere with dining sets. There was also a giant screen for the award giving itself. 

"Once we're in, it's on to step three: split up and take our positions." Wolf said loud enough for only the gang to hear. "Snake, you look the most father-like, you take Sabrina." Snake's head snapped toward Wolf, his eyes wide as saucers. 

"Why me?!" Snake asked almost too loudly. "You're the one who adopted her!" Within earshot, Wolf heard the police talking, completely ignoring Snake's yells. 

"Officers, if the bad guys crash this party, I would definitely lose my job. I will not hesitate to take you down with me. Now move out!" She ordered, her voice louder and angrier than it should've been. Sabrina clinged onto Snake before he groaned, rolling his eyes. On Wolf's command, the gang spread out, everyone heading to their position. Piranha calmly went inside a fountain to go inside the plumbing. Web's came away from Shark and crawled across the floor. Shark sauntered quickly up the main staircase. Snake slithered along with Sabrina angrily. She'd ruin his cover. Meanwhile, Wolf went to the balcony, snatching jewelry and money on the way. Sabrina picked a wallet out of a bag that was low enough, sticking it in her diaper before waddling after Snake, who couldn't go in the air ducts because of this. I'm sure Wolf had another plan. 

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