Chapter 4

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Five things I can hear

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Five things I can hear...muffled voices, Jonathan's footsteps, leaves crumpling under the weight of foot steps, my uneven breathing, the watch on my wrist ticking away. Four things I can and blue patterned lights, Hopper's hand on Mom's shoulder, the front door wide open, Powell and Callahan pacing through the house. Three things I can touch...the scratchy blanket around me, the ash tray on small table to my right, the rings on my fingers that were a cold contrast to my burning up skin. Two things I can smell...cigarettes and the crisp autumn air coming in from the front door. One thing I can own salty tears running down from my eyes, to my cheeks and then to my lips.

"A trooper found something in the, uh...water that's at the quarry. Our working theory right now is that Will crashed his bike, he...made his way over to the quarry and, uh accidentally fell in. The earth must have given way...Joyce?" Hopper's voice cleared after I got gone through all the panic attack steps. I had heard his muffled voice along with Jonathan's but I couldn't make any of it out, that was until my heart calmed down just a little bit.

"Joyce? Do you understand what I'm saying?" Hopper spoke up again as Jonathan sat down next to me on the couch and rested his hand on top of mine, my fingers twirling the rings on them, mindlessly.

"No." Mom answered, her voice and body trembling as I stared at the same spot on the wall, the same spot that...that thing had crawled out of, there should be a huge hole there, there should be the sticky, wet, gooey substance that the creature was covered in, soaked into the carpet, and yet...nothing.

"Whoever you not my boy. It's not Will." Mom shook her head, causing Jonathan to sigh from next to me, my eye contact breaking from the spot on the wall to look over at him. He looked broken, just like Mom and I did, I was sure of that, but mixed with my broken was confusion and bone chilling fear...this was one of the few times that I couldn't take care of everyone else and I was lucky enough to have a brother that saw that.

"Joyce." Hopper went to interrupt her, only making me stand up the from couch, shaking the blanket off of me and walking over to the wall, the same wall that Mom and I had watched expand and burst open, lifting one of my shaking hands and touching it slowly.

"No, you don't understand. I talked to him...a half hour ago." She began, stammering, crossing the room like I had, but going to the crawl space instead.

"He was...he was here. He was...he was talking with these." Mom sniffled, opening the short doors of the crawl space and taking out a ball of tangled lights, turning back towards Hopper as I pushed on the wall, it felt...normal, hard like drywall and wood, the wallpaper rough against my finger tips.

"Talking?" Hopper popped, his voice full of disbelief and confusion while I pushed on the wall once again, harder this time, using both hands, a small grunt escaping my lips.

"Uh-huh! One blink for yes, two for no. And....and, uh...and then I made this so he could talk to me." Mom pointed at the alphabet wall that we has been talking to Will through. This made no sense...Mom and I both couldn't have imagined the same things at the same time, even if we were going crazy, there was no way our crazy visions would have lined up so perfectly.

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