Chapter 11

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October 29th 1984

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October 29th 1984

"Listen...Keith, I will do a lot of things but the one thing I will not give a fuck about what you think." I grinned, an over-obnoxious fake smile with my high pitched customer service voice as I wiped down the counter, while he only dirtied it with puffy Cheeto crumbs causing me to smack the bag out of his hands and spilling it onto the floor. Keith and I had been working together for two years now, two full years he had been asking me out every day, flirting with me on a constant loop, making me do all the grunt work all because he can get away with it because he is the "manager"...well I was sick of it. I knew Keith was a pushover and as much as I both needed and liked this job, I wasn't going to take it anymore, especially because I knew if I told the owner what he had been doing to me for two years straight, he'd be fired in a second.

"Hey! You can't do that! I'm the manager!" He whined like a child causing me to scoff with a laugh and roll my eyes, by technical definition, yes he was the manager but he sure as hell didn't act like one. The place was packed for a Monday night, absolutely overflowing with loud, whiney children, luckily all the machines and games were up and working for the moment so they didn't seem to be bothering us all that much.

"A manager who borderlines sexual harassment on a daily basis, who all the kids think is creepy, who always smells like Cheetos and who doesn't do a single thing around here!" I retorted as I handed him the broom and dustpan from behind the counter with a smile, my head tilted to the side.

"You can play the "hard to get" act all you want, I'll be here and waiting when you wise up and dump Harrington, besides...I know you want all of this." He motioned to himself, wiggling his eyebrows causing me to fake gag as he snatched the broom and dust pan from my hands while I pushed myself onto the counter and slid across it, my feet now on the ground next to the pile of Cheetos.

"You do know that Mr. Wallace said he was going to come in here next week and watch all the tapes, and evaluate the staff, right?" I popped with my arms crossed over my chest, causing Keith's eyes to widen as he looked up from the Cheeto pile on the floor.

"And who do you think is going to get a promotion between the two of us, hmm? Cindy won't want it, she likes her morning shifts, and Derek likes his weekends only, so it comes down to you and I...The girl who keeps the kids coming in with all their allowances and their parents money, the same girl who fixes the machines when they break down, saving him a shit ton of money because he doesn't have to call for a repair, the same girl who does the book keeping, the cleaning and don't forget, picks up every shift possible or...Cheeto man, the manager?" I questioned, holding my hands above my head and swiping them down in an arching motion with a smile just as my walkie from behind the counter went off.

"Sam! It's Dustin, do you copy? Over!" I heard as I reached over the counter to grab the walkie, standing on my tippy toes to reach it, my body and arms full extended over the counter, one of my feet lifting fully off the ground as I grabbed it, turning my head to see Keith staring at my ass as I stood back upright.

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