Chapter 2

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November 8th 1983

"Alright mom, breakfast is ready." I heard Jonathan talking to Mom as I looked at myself one last time in my bedroom mirror. I had cried myself to sleep last night, fully blaming myself for Will's disappearance, my eyes were red and slightly puffy which I had been trying to fix all morning with ice and eye drops. I'd give anything for it to have been me to have gone missing rather than my sweet, sensitive, kind twelve year old younger brother.

"What? No, be careful of the poster." She refused, causing me to sigh. I knew I would have to keep myself together, there was no time for tears and self pity. The glue, I'm the glue, and the glue doesn't fade or lose it's stick even on a rainy day.

"Yeah, okay. All right." Jonathan just sighed as I grabbed my jacket from the back of my door and made my way down the hallway, pushing any and all emotions to the back, worrying about the people that needed me.

"I can't eat." Our mom shook her head softly as I walked out into the kitchen, both of them turning to see me walking towards them.

"I need you to eat, Mom." I stated as I kissed the top of her head, seeing a lit cigarette in one of her hands, the other rummaging through her purse. Jonathan and I exchanged a glance with one another, we knew she was going to be a mess today, after that bizarre phone call last night, who wouldn't be?

"Listen. Listen, the Xerox place opens in, like, 30 minutes and I don't want you to go alone, you guys are going together right? Before school? We need to make what, 200? 300 copies? How much is a copy? Ten cents?" She rambled causing me to shake my head back and forth and crouch down next to her.

", look at me." I spoke softly, placing my right hand on her left one that was reaching for her wallet to give money to us for the flyers.

" I spoke softly, placing my right hand on her left one that was reaching for her wallet to give money to us for the flyers

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"We got it. I've been taking a little from each of my paychecks each week and putting it to the side in case of emergencies, I have enough to make 1000 copies if you want. Keep your money...maybe go into town, buy a new phone?" I smiled softly as she looked down at me, her eyes filled with tears, a small smile on her lips as she realized that her two older kids were keeping her together while her "baby" was missing. I knew she shouldn't be in the house all day, and if she at least left to get a new phone it would be a little bit of a break.

"You're so smart, how did you get so smart?" She let out a watery chuckle as Jonathan tried to take the cigarette out of her other hand before putting it out in the ashtray in front of her, only causing her to take another puff from it.

"You can't get like this, okay?" He questioned quietly, knowing she was only upsetting herself more. She was stressing out over things like copies, and if we were going to school, while Jonathan and I had it covered and handled, we had to.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She apologized, looking at me and then up at Jonathan.

"No, it's okay." He assured her as our eyes met once again, we had to get going, especially if we were going to make it to school on time. I went to open my mouth about mom eating again when there was a heavy knock on the front door, causing mom to take one last drag from her cigarette before putting it out and rushing to the front door.

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