Chapter 13

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November 1st 1984

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November 1st 1984

I sighed while Steve groaned as the alarm clock next to his bed blared through the room, only making me laugh slightly as I sat up and reached across him to hit it. After last night, I figured he would wake up beyond hung over, he was out of practice and that was evident with half the things he did last night after we left the party. His hair was a mess, shirtless from him yelling about how hot he was when we got back last night, how he slept with jeans on his bottom half, I will never know but he refused to let me help him last night as well as take them off so it left for a few interesting set of pajamas on his part.

" gotta wake up." I yawned as I rested my cheek on his bare shoulder, rubbing his back softly, only causing him to let out another groan in response. I knew he wasn't going to want to get up, but it was his Senior year and we did not need to give his Dad any more reasons to dislike me and our relationship.

"You have to shower, I showered last night after you passed out so while you shower, I'll go start breakfast, food and juice will help with the hangover." I explained, kissing his shoulder before moving to get up, pulling the comforter off of me, stretching while still sitting on the edge of his bed, rolling my head in a circle, staying up to finish our homework last night definitely messed with my neck.

"Who the hell has a Halloween Party on a Wednesday night?" He grunted as he sat up, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, his shirt that hugged my frame riding up slightly as he pulled me right back into his bed, only making me yelp in surprise.

"Steve, we don't have time for this." I giggled as he yanked the comforter over us completely, climbing on top of me all in the same movement, blocking all sunlight out and trapping the heat between us. I should have known he would still have enough energy to try and stop me, he was like a damn dog sometimes with all that energy. I just sighed as I looked at his hazel eyes staring back at me, his hands pressing into the bed on each side of me, holding himself above me, his eyes flickering between mine and my lips.

"You are taking care of me, or trying's hot." He mumbled, deep morning voice in full effect, before dipping his head into the crook of my neck only making me grip his shoulders with a small chuckle.

" much as I enjoy...this..." I gulped as his lips traveled down my neck, sending a blush to my cheeks, and chills down my spine. A small gasp escaped my lips as he kissed the sweet spot on my neck that he knew all too well, causing him to smile against my neck.

" and you, we can afford to skip one day." He whispered in my ear before his lips traveled to my jaw, planting small kisses all the way over to my lips. I knew that I had to get out of this, but I also knew there was only one day to do that, let him think he was winning. I cupped his face in my hands as I kissed him back, his whole body relaxing above me, thinking I was giving into him. I'll admit, the way he was kissing me, how he looked and acted last night, his morning voice and messy was definitely hard not to give into him completely but my mind was made up, we were going to school.

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