Chapter 7

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"Not that I'm complaining but...what was that for?" Steve let out a breathy chuckle when we pulled away, needing to breathe. I just took a deep breath, resting my forehead on his, trying to find the right words without getting emotional.

"You're the first person to ever protect me." I sighed, stepping out of his grasp, my hands dropping from his cheeks as I turned my back to him, standing by the edge of his bed, one arm wrapped around myself, the other hovering over my chest, already feeling my anxiety bubbling up.

"I'm the protector, I keep my mom together the best that I can because our deadbeat father cared more about alcohol and taking his anger out on the people that cared about him rather than loving the family that he created. I make sure that Jonathan lives a life that isn't as filled with pain as mine is, why do you think I fight anyone who says anything about him? It's not because I like the feeling of bloody, cracked knuckles. I tell him almost every day to live, to find a sense of normalcy, and even though our brother is missing, he had managed to find out that the girl of his dreams likes him back and god...I am so happy for him. I shield Will from what Jonathan and I have seen, and I am riddled with guilt because no matter how much I tried to protect him, an evil from outside our home took him. Will deserves every happiness, that's why I make sure he gets to play D&D with his friends every weekend, which is why I dress up and play along if they need me to, I want him to have the childhood that Jonathan and I never got...I'm the glue...I hold everyone else together, I always have, that's the role I play in my family. The glue takes the punches and doesn't let it affect them, or at least not on a surface level because they can't, they have to worry about everyone else...our family dynamic has been the same since the first time I took a hit instead of my mom, and no one has batted an eye...not until today, not until you." I explained, wiping my eyes as tears fell as I took deep breaths. I knew that opening up like this, especially to Steve Harrington was a huge risk, but if we were feeling similar things, if Eddie was right and it was more to Steve than just another hook up, I needed to warn him about the mess that my life is.

"Sam..." He sighed, feeling one of his hands grip my shoulder, turning me around slowly causing me to let out a watery chuckle, knowing I looked a mess and that I had just summarized my life to someone that I hated a few days ago.

"I don't think you knew what you were getting into, you said you wanted it to be different with me...I don't think you meant signing up for a girl who stress smokes and hides behind her "bad reputation" mask." I sniffled, wiping my tears one more, looking at the sorrow on his face only made me feel worse about saying anything, the glue shouldn't burden others with her problems. Eddie seemed to be all knowing when it came to me because as I stood there, I realized that I did want Steve to like me, and rambling all that out, was probably not the best way to make that happen.

"I shouldn't have said all that, I'm sorry...that was more of an Eddie Munson's van moment monologue not a standing in Steve Harrington's bedroom in his shirt moment monologue." I chuckled trying to find my footing, trying to get back to my sarcastic, I don't care about anything other than my family attitude, pushing it down was easier than letting it out.

"Stop....stop doing that, stop brushing it off as if it's nothing." Steve spoke softly, pulling me into his arms, hugging me as tightly as he possibly could which only made any progress I made shatter, crying into his chest as one of his hands rubbed my back while the other ran through my wet hair. There were only two people other than family who had ever seen me like this, and one was my metalhead best friend, I never thought in a million years that the other would be Steve Harrington.

 There were only two people other than family who had ever seen me like this, and one was my metalhead best friend, I never thought in a million years that the other would be Steve Harrington

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