Chapter 12

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October 31st 1984

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October 31st 1984

" know what I just realized?" Steve whispered as the two of us sat in the library, we both made sure to have "study hall" in our courses this year, we get one elective class every year, some take art, or a second language but this way if my work got in the way of me helping him with school work, or college apps, I could help him in here. Our classes are on rotating schedules, that's just how it works here, four classes a day, alternating with four other classes, so eight in total, the same four every other day,  in an hour and a half blocks, lunch in the middle, we didn't have it together yesterday so it meant we did today for our second block class.

"Hmm? What's that?" I looked up from my math homework that the class got assigned last block, only to see him already looking at me, a small smile on his lips. One of his hands under his chin, propping his face up, as the other brushed hair that had fallen in front of my face, behind my ear as he shifted in his seat, shifted closer to me.

"Two nights in a row with no nightmares...maybe it's a sign." He hummed lowly, knowing that we would get yelled at if we were too loud in the library. We were coming up on a year since Will's disappearance, since Steve entered my life as more than just the King of Hawkins High, Sam Owens, the doctor that Will sees once a month at the lab, explained to mom that a "trigger event" and worsen the Will's nightmares, that it could get worse before it get better, but it seemed in my case, at least for now, they were getting better. Maybe because it was almost a year of nothing, a year of no Upside down occurrences other than mine and Will's nightmares that my mind was finally finding some peace.

 Maybe because it was almost a year of nothing, a year of no Upside down occurrences other than mine and Will's nightmares that my mind was finally finding some peace

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"You are supposed to be focusing on your work, not my nightmares, wondering mind Harrington." I pointed out with a raised eyebrow and a small smile on my lips, earning a small chuckle from him.

"I'm not going to apologize for worrying about my girlfriend, it's my job." He shrugged as he leaned forward, matching smiles on our lips as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips, only to have the librarian clear her throat as she walked past us, causing us to break away.

"Yeah...maybe it is a sign." I nodded in agreement with his earlier statement about it "being a sign" as he kissed my temple before going back to working on his work. I smiled softly, seeing him already looking back at his work, his furrowed brow, full concentration face on, before going back to my work, only to have the tip on my pencil snap as soon as I went to continue working.

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