Chapter 5

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*Sam's Point Of View*

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*Sam's Point Of View*

The second that Steve left through the back door, I rushed back out to the living room, knowing that if I wasn't there soon, that Lonnie or Mom would come looking for me. I walked into the living room only to find them in a tight embrace which allowed me to move past them and check the window, slowly, quietly, as if I was just looking to look, when in reality, I wanted to make sure that Steve got the hell out of here. I covered my mouth as I watched him back out slowly with his headlights off, covering the small smile on my lips, thank god he was smart enough to do think to do that. If I was being honest, I didn't know what to think about Steve, he had been kind, and caring, and even a little affectionate at the end there, worried about Lonnie and what he might do to me. I wanted to trust that it was real, that he was changing like he said takes 18 to 252 days to break a habit and being the carefree King of Hawkins and ladies man was deeply embedded into him.

"Lonnie...what happened to your face?" I heard Mom breathed as she pulled out of the hug, making every goose bump on my body appear. She always go sucked right back into him, for a day, a week, an hour, just until he could screw up enough for her to see it, it was only a matter of time before she saw right through him, I just had to wait.

"Why don't you ask our little girl?" He popped with his eyes narrowed at me, causing me to scoff as Mom turned to look at me for an explantation. Lonnie looked horrible, busted lip, black eye, broken nose by the looks of it, some of my finest work, that's what happens when you talk badly about the parent that did stay, the parent who has been here, who has loved us through everything. I wasn't about to tell her that Jonathan and I went to go and see Lonnie, wanting to clear him for ourselves so, I did what Lonnie knows how to do all too well, lie.

"I'm not your little girl...he probably just got into a bar fight, drunk, and running his mouth like always. You look like shit." I shrugged, causing him to let out a chuckle while Mom just looked away from me and back to him, the look on her face, the way she was desperately holding onto his arm, it made me want to rip her away from her and beg to her come to her senses...only, I tired that years ago and nothing, she has to have the realization on her own.

"Let's sit...tell me what's been going on and how the hole in the wall got there." Lonnie suggested, ignoring me for now, and walking Mom over to the couch, grabbing the blanket that I had been using and wrapping it around her.

"I'm going to the shed to get some stuff to cover the hole, okay?" I spoke softly, looking at Mom, who nodded in response while Lonnie just shot me a glare that I decided to ignore and make my way out back to the shed. I knew we had some spare ply wood, tarps, and nails in here, I just had to find them. Lonnie had to be here for a reason, he was only ever here for a few reasons. The first being his main driving force in life, a quick way to make cash...second, his current woman wised up and left him so he was back sniffing around, hoping to win Mom back...and the third, and the least likely, he actually was worried about how we all were. I didn't want to leave Mom alone with him, at least not for long, so I grabbed everything that I thought I could use and made my way back inside, arms full and ready to be the adult of the house while our dead beat father gaslit our terrified Mom. When I came back into the house, Mom was telling Lonnie all about what had been happening since Will disappeared

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