Chapter 9

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*Steve's Point of View*

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*Steve's Point of View*

"You really care about her, don't you?" Lola chirped as we pulled into the driveway. The whole ride home was silent, both of us thinking about everything that happened the past few days, and hours. I never thought that I would be driving home from the Byers house, with a bat full of nails, a bow and arrows in my back seat, my heart racing, but was I damn glad that I was. It felt like my eyes were finally open, like I had been seeing my life only in black and white, and Sam...she was in the brightest colors, every possible color on the spectrum, and every time I was away from her, or without her, my life slowly began to fade back to the grey I had always known.

"Hmm?" I hummed, not really thinking about what she was saying, trying to get myself in a mindset that was acceptable to be in while at home. Lola could be herself at home, she was their perfect princess in and out of the house while I on the other hand, had to make sure not even a toe was out of line or else I'd be in trouble, I was already grounded and I don't even want to know what comes next after that. I also needed to wipe away any trace of happiness that might be left from Sam, because if my father saw it, he would do everything in his power to crush it.

"I see the way that you look at her Steve, like she's the best thing to ever happen to you, like she puts stars in the sky." She hummed, teasing me slightly before laughing and nudging my arm, causing a smile to spread across my face as I put the car in park.

"Does she um...look at me like that?" I wondered taking the key out of the ignition and turning to look at her, while she hummed and mulled over the idea.

"No." She shook her head back and forth making my twist, my shoulders slump and my face fall.

"She looks at you like you are the missing piece to her puzzle that she didn't even know needed to be solved." She smiled, seeing how I took her original answer of no, my face lighting up like the Christmas lights at the Byers house when I heard her full answer. I never felt this deeply about anyone, no girl got close to the feelings I had for her...the love that I had for her.

"I think I" I tapped on the steering wheel, trying to muster up the courage to say it. If I couldn't even say it to my own sister, who knows me pretty well, how was I going to say it to Sam?

"I think I might love her." I mumbled out, seeing her jaw drop which only made me groan and press my forehead to the steering wheel. I knew Lola was the love expert, both reading about it her entire life and now feeling it and having it with Jonathan. I listened to her words the night of the pool party and look how far it got me, maybe I needed to listen to her some more.

"Steve! think? do you feel?" She started off with an excited, happy for me tone before she fully realized that I said "think" before the L-word.

"Like...I'm going to be thinking about her for the rest of my life, like she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Like she understands me, like even though I'm a total idiot and slightly screwed up, more than I like to let on, she would be able to forgive my idiot moments and she would help fix the damaged parts. Do you believe in soulmates? Because up till the last week, I didn't, I thought they were made, not found, but now...God, that sounds so stupid! I felt drawn to her from the moment she slapped me with reality in the hallway...I feel like my soul, recognizes hers, I feel like I met my match, like I'll never be bored with her, like all I could ever want is to be with her. My heart races when I see her, sometimes I don't even realizing that I'm reaching out to touch her until she says something or returns the touch, it's like...she made broken look beautiful and strong look invisible. She walks with the weight of the universe on her shoulders and it makes it looks like she has a pair of wings...I feel like a lovesick fool." I rambled, talking with my hands, running through my hair multiple times, seeing Lola just blink at me a few times with wide eyes before she snapped out of it and a grin spread across her lips.

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