Chapter 6

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Kissing Steve was absolutely intoxicating, it made every worry or thought in my mind fade completely

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Kissing Steve was absolutely intoxicating, it made every worry or thought in my mind fade completely. It was like the more I kissed him, the more the need in the pit of my stomach grew. Steve said that our kiss felt different, and since I only had the twelve year old peck with Eddie to compare it with, I had to take his word for it. I went from only having my first kiss, to a kiss with Steve to a full on make out session in the span of forty minutes. His lips were minty, his cologne smelled like a mix of clean sheets and the forest in the summer, I could smell the faint smell of some kind of hair product, my hands in the bottom layer of his hair or the nape of his neck most of the time. Our pace of kissing, and touching picked up and slowed down with each song and lucky for me, most of them were powerful and passionate so the kisses were too, leaving me almost dazed. We could only hear the music filling the car, any breaths, groans or moans being barely audible, all the windows fogged up, feeling our chests rising and falling rapidly, if all kissing was like this, I finally understood all the couples that are constantly kissing in the school hallways. At some point during After the Fall, he slid my jacket off my shoulders, leaving me in my sleeveless dress, his hands wandering as far up as my cheek and as low as my hips, keeping a respectful distance from other parts of me. We got through eleven out of the fourteen songs on the album before Steve spoke up, Ask The Lonely beginning to play, the twelfth song on the album.

"Sam..." He mumbled against my lips, causing me to hum and kiss down his jaw, not wanting to stop what he had to say but also not wanting to stop kissing him. This was the first time since the craziness started that I wasn't crying or freaking out and I didn't want to lose that.

"Sam, we have to stop." He breathed, his hands on my hips, giving them a small squeeze as I continued, smiling against his jaw.

"Steve Harrington wants to stop a make out session, in his own car? Isn't that like every guy's dream?" I chuckled as I moved down from his jaw and to his neck, earning a groan from him before one of his hands caught my jaw and pulled my eyes up to his.

"You deserve more than this...I want it to be different with you." He spoke softly, his thumb ghosting over my bottom lip as we looked at one another, his hand leaving my chin and tucking a strand of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear before I chuckled, partially to stop the butterflies in my stomach and the thumping in my chest, but also to not get too roped into his words.

"Oh, that is such a line!" I laughed, causing him to smirk, wrapping his arms around me and flipping us for the first time since this all started, a small yelp escaping my lips as he did it. My back now laying down on the seats, his hands on each side of my head, causing him to hover over me, my legs bent on each side of his waist, this position felt ten times more compromising. For the first time since this all started I felt like I wasn't the one in control, and a nervousness settled in my stomach.

"It's not a line. I mean it, you aren't like the other girls...okay that sounds like a line too." He laughed resting his forehead on my shoulder, as I laughed and nodded in response.

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