Chapter 8

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"Stop looking at me like that, Hopper." I rolled my eyes, arms crossed over my chest, seeing him glance over at me at every red light we hit. I knew what he was going to say, I knew what he was going to do, he always kept an eye out on Mom, on all of us and seeing me with the town "ladies man" was striking a nerve.

"Just be careful, alright kid? I know you can handle your own because I've seen the black eyes you can give, but cautious." He warned as we pulled into the junkyard, my eyes rolling once again even though there was a small smile on my lips. It was nice to have an adult man in or around our lives that wasn't a horrible person, he was the exact opposite in fact. For the rest of the drive, we rode in silence, the radio playing lowly in the background, whatever station he had it on, still playing. I was thinking about anything but the kids the entire drive, they trusted me, all of them and I was too wrapped in my own shit to remember that they were smack dab in the center of all the craziness too. I was yanked from my thoughts when the road we were on turned to dirt and gravel, the side becoming a lot less smooth. Hopper stopped the truck a little bit of aways back, we had no idea what we would be walking into, if anyone had tracked down the kids or if they would be here at the same time as us.

"Can you handle this?" Hopper questioned as he leaned over me and reached into the glove box above my knees, taking out a Smith & Wesson Model 66, the provided fire arms for all the cops in Hawkins, and holding it out for me to take with raised eyebrows.

"My father is Lonnie Byers, I've known how to handle a gun since I was ten." I nodded, taking it from him and giving it the once over, clicking the safety off and getting out of the car at the same time he did. Holding the gun in my right hand as we walked side by side, only raising it and cupping the bottom over my other hand when we heard movement, Hopper's arm out stretching across, over my chest in front of me, like a soccer Mom coming to a screeching halt at a ride light. Hopper motioned towards the one guy headed towards the bus and pointed to me while he motioned to the other two off to the right before pointing to himself, causing me to nod before we went in opposite directions. I jogged my way across the dirt, looking to see the guys that Hopper were going after had their backs towards my target which only made things easier for me. I got to the blonde haired, gun toting "bad guy" agent just as he opened the bus door

 I got to the blonde haired, gun toting "bad guy" agent just as he opened the bus door

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"Asshole." I hummed as I hit him over the back of the head with the handle of the gun, coming down with all the power I had behind my hand, sending him straight into the accordion folded bus door and then to the dirt to our right, knocked out cold.

"Hey!" I heard Hopper yell, grabbing my attention, only to see he was fine, one agent on the ground and the other about to be, making me realize I was in the clear to go and grab the kids. I stepped on the bus, gun lowered, seeing Mike and El in the far back, Lucas to my left and Dustin to my right, all staring back at me with wide eyes.

"You little shits almost gave me a heart attack." I breathed, shoving the gun in the back of my jeans and grabbing Lucas and Dustin by their shoulders and pulling them into a hug.

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