Chapter 10

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"I'll come check on you in a few days, okay?" Eddie asked as he parked in my driveway, causing me to look over at him, a small sympathetic smile on his lips

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"I'll come check on you in a few days, okay?" Eddie asked as he parked in my driveway, causing me to look over at him, a small sympathetic smile on his lips. Bree was on my right, Eddie on my left, all three of us squeezing in the front seat because the next closest seat was in the far back and if I was being honest, I didn't want to be alone. I was in no condition both emotionally and with how much pot I had smoked to be driving, Jonathan's car still at Eddie's which I figured I would have to explain to mom that I both took and drove with no license.

"I told you that if you needed fixing, I would be there, remember? Your damage control comment? I'm here." He reminded me, tears already filling my eyes as I thought of the conversation he was referring to, it was the night that I called him in Steve's room, on his phone, the first night I opened up to the boy that I was terrified would break my heart.

"Thank you, Eds." I hummed, leaning over to give him a hug goodbye, which he returned like normal, before I looked over at the girl to my right, the side of her head pressed to the window, her breathing steady, eyes closed, causing me to nudge Eddie to look at the same thing that I was.

"I think someone is tired from helping me take care of you....we did smoke a lot of pot." He chuckled softly, causing me to crack a small smile at the thought. I had poured my heart out to Eddie and Bree, crying, smoking, coughing, laughing, I was an emotional mess and neither of them judged me, not once. Bree's comforting tactic was extremely different from Eddie's, her words were kind, soft, light hearted, one of her hand rubbing constant circles on my back, like she had known me for years and we were the closest of friends and she could feel my pain. While Eddie paced back and forth, alternating between cigarette and joint, spewing threats towards Steve, his protective comments making both Bree and I crack a smile, seeing how much he cared, the occasional tight hug and hand squeeze getting tossed in there. Eddie had seen me a mess before, let me crash at this trailer when I needed to get away from Lonnie, I knew that he was there for me and that he would be as much as he could be but Bree...something about her struck me in a different way. It was funny, my metal head best friend was falling for the cheerleader while the bad girl with a loud mouth and fists that do the talking, had already fallen for the popular ladies man...apparently Eddie and I had types. I was definitely standoffish at first with Bree, she was popular, ran in the same circles as Steve and I as both scared for Eddie and I that he would end up going through something similar to what I was going through but she soon proved that was never going to happen. She made me a grilled cheese while I cried, ran her hands through my hair, trying to calm me down, she didn't have to stay, she didn't have to help the guy she was hooking up with's best friend but she did, she did and didn't make a big deal out of it. I didn't do girl friends, mostly because all the girls I knew didn't like me or were terrified of me and my reputation, but Bree was the first girl I didn't feel out of place around, the first girl that I thought might get past my reputation and see for who I really was. Eddie went to reach over me to wake her up gently which only caused me to grab his wrist to stop him.

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