Chapter Eight

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A couple of weeks had gone by, and everything was pretty much the same

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A couple of weeks had gone by, and everything was pretty much the same. Zuri and Angel were now officially full-time nurses with busy schedules. They rarely got the chance to spend time together outside of work.

Either Zuri was working, Angel was off. Angel was working, Zuri off. Their daily conversations got moved to the hospital, instead of their apartment.

As for relationships and friendships, Zuri and Jonathan dealt with each other on their free time, while Bryson made it his duty to see her almost everyday.

Blind to his plan, Zuri just thought it was normal. And, she loved the fact that he was putting in the effort and wanting her. They've actually started to get closer, and Bryson was starting to forget about his plans. Because; He liked her.

For once in the recent schedule, Zuri and Angel were both off for a few days, and today was finally the chance to have a girls day.

"So, you like them both?" Angel looked over at her.

"Bryson brings out the bubbly, happy side of me. And, I feel like Jonathan brings out the real side of me." Zuri confessed.

"Sounds like you want the bad one." Angel looked at her.

"It's not even that, I just feel like Bryce brings me peace, while Jonathan will bring chaos. But, I never said I didn't want that in my life." She smiled a little.

"Bitch are you dumb? You have to go for the good one. They're rarely around these days." Angel stated.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe I can just see what happens with Jonathan first." She beamed.

That's what she was intending on doing. Although he was rude when they first met, she couldn't help but stop thinking about him often. Even when she was with Bryson.

He just brought out her fun, but mean side and she loved that. She felt like she could be herself with him. She felt the same with Bryson, but felt like something was off.

But, like Zuri, she felt that it was normal.

"I asked Jonathan to let us have a movie night." Zuri told Angel.

"Our place looks a mess."

"I know, so that's why I asked to have it at his house instead." Zuri looked at the clothes on the rack.

"And he let you? He must really like you."

"Yeah maybe." Zuri blushed a little.

Yeah. Maybe he does.

 Maybe he does

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