Chapter Fifteen

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Excuse mistakes. A little longer because it's the 15th chapter.

Two Months Later

"Why won't you let me meet him? Are you ashamed of me or something?" She laughed, while she looked at me in disbelief

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"Why won't you let me meet him? Are you ashamed of me or something?" She laughed, while she looked at me in disbelief.

She wanted to meet my father.

"No, but you don't need to meet him. Ever."

"But, I want too."

This girl.

"We've been getting pretty close lately, and you asking me to stay with you most nights would definitely make us closer."

"I just want to meet him. What's so wrong about that?" She continued.

"I said NO!" I shouted.

Seemed like I startled her by my loud deep tone.

Good. Maybe she'll shut tf up.

"Maybe, I should go." She started to walk away from me.

Yeah. Maybe you should.

She grabbed her jacket and purse, before walking towards the door.

"Listen, I didn't mean to yell. I-i just have a hard time with my father." I spoke calmly, while staring her eyes.

"I'm sorry." I lied.

This is Bullshit.

"You're making it seem like I'm not worthy of meeting your dad." She looked up at me once again.

"Father. But, you are worthy. We just don't have the best relationship, we never have. I just didn't want you involved in that."

"Bryson. We've been dating for a while, why wouldn't I want to meet your family?"

She's pissing me off.

"If you really want to meet him, I'll set it up." I hesitated.

"Really?" She beamed in my face.

"Only for you." I kissed her forehead, and squeezed her tightly.

We were staying here at my penthouse, while we packed up. I finally got enough courage to ask Zuri to stay with me a couple of nights out the week. Next time, I'd be planning to be in a house. Just for her. A new house, which won't be in the open anywhere. And, with no neighbors.

Just the way I wanted.

Later that night

"Father." We stood face-to-face at the entrance to his home. We stared, and did not blink once. Zuri cleared her throat.

Almost forgot she was there.

We both looked her way, and she wore a smile but I could tell she was weirded out.

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