Chapter Eighteen

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note: (for reference) if you ever seen "vampire diaries", they had an inside storage building with a lot of units. And also, the show "YOU" with that cage thingy. Imagine that it looks like that, an inside storage unit, but also big with the cage, whenever we talk about it in the story.

 Imagine that it looks like that, an inside storage unit, but also big with the cage, whenever we talk about it in the story

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She's gone.

Where the f—

I begin to walk around the storage unit trying to figure out where she had gone or even how tf she could get out in the first place.

Like before, the bottom of the storage door was messed up a little, and the caged room was trashed. The newspaper that was left, had been ripped into pieces.

The bucket I filled with water for her clean, was knocked over along with the sponge. Old food was still sitting in the plate, uneaten.

The clothes that I generously gave her to change into were all thrown over the floor too.

This is what I get for being too nice.

I could've just let her rot, but noooo.

She just had to be disobedient.

And, still. I have no clue why I was still holding onto this one.

What tf did I even want from her?

The clinking of a chain brought me out my train of thought. I looked over to see that the chain around her foot, must still be around it. It was no longer connected to the bolt anchored to the floor.

Now how the hell did she do that?

I made my way to the door listening for the chain to clink against something one more time.

It did.

"Oh Chloe." I smirked.

"I can hear you running away from me pretty girl."

"You won't get far."

If she was still in the building, she either had just left and escaped the cage before I came, or she couldn't find her way out.

At least I hope not.

Not yet anyway.

"Chloeee. Where are you?" I laughed when I dragged out her name.

I stood still for awhile, trying my best to hear any movement again. I guess it's safe to say that I know that we're the only ones in here.

Who's going to come to a storage building at 4am?

I guess it's fun to know you half own it, and you get the perks of getting your own personalized key.

"Chloe. I know you're in here. And, I know you can hear me."

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