Chapter One

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Zuri Jolie Marley>university of atlanta; the cafe

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Zuri Jolie Marley
>university of atlanta; the cafe

"Angel, is it just me or is he staring at you pretty hard?" I laughed lowly, while trying to discreetly look at the guy who's been eyeing us since we sat down.

he's cute.

"What way? Left or right?" She looked both ways anyway.

"He's literally in front of you." I nodded my head towards him. He didn't shy away from us looking towards him either. Interesting.

"He's cute, but doesn't seem like my type." She shrugged, going back to her salad.

"Your type? Since when do you have a type?" I mugged her.

She's never picky.

"Since now." She turned away, while he finally made his presence known.

"Hey, I didn't mean to interrupt but I just couldn't help myself. Couldn't take my eyes off of you since you got here." He smiled.

"Sounds a little stalkerish to me, love. Don't you think Z?" Angel looked over at me. Agreed.

"No, not stalking." He smirked. "I just wanted to let you know that you were beautiful. I'm Luke, by the way."

"Good to know." Angel said sarcastically.

"Hard to get, I see. I respect it."

"Her name is Angel." I just wanted to throw that in there.

"Indeed you are. I have to get going, but I hope to see you around?" He smiled, while he began to walk away.

"Perhaps not." She said sarcastically again.

"Why would you do that? I don't know him." She mugged me.

"Relax, you'll probably never see him again anyway." I said to her, while lifting up my phone to check my messages.

"Who we texting?"

"Dash." My older cousin on my moms side.

"Dash? What my baby daddy say?" She jumped up excitedly.

"Dash is scared of you. You practically scared that boy with your tactics. Let it go." I laughed while her face dropped.

"I don't care, Dash still loves me. He just doesn't know it yet, but what did he say?"

"He's having a little get together tonight, and wanted us to slide through."

"Us? See. He wants me." She blushed.

"Or he just knows that I wouldn't come alone and without you."

"Bitch. Always killing my vibe. Let us be great."

"Yes ma'am."

>Dash's place
"You had us standing out there for 10 minutes."

"My bad, I ain't hear the door." He opened it for us to come in.

"Hey bae." Angel waved with the biggest smile on her face.

Who's being stalkerish now?

"Girl. I kill people, don't be next. Stay away from me, witcho crazy ass." He ran behind me.

We walked in the living room seeing three more guys sitting around on his couches. Two were focusing on a game, and one sat on the end scrolling away on his phone.

"Yo, this my cousin Zuri. and that's her friend Demon."

"It's Angel, jack ass. He lucky he my husband." She mumbled.

"That's Corey, Mikko, Jona-Bones." He stopped, and changed names.

WTF kind of name is Bones?

They gave us a head nod, and said their what's up, but not him. interesting.

"Rude." Angel sat down near Mikko, while the only seat available now was next to Organs. We made conversation with the two guys, and surprisingly they were cool.

"Why tf you close to me?" I heard a deep raspy voice.

I looked around cause who said that? And who they speaking to?


"I said, why tf you close to me for?"

Slow down bud.

"This was the only seat left." I huffed.

"The floor look available." He mugged me, and I couldn't help but scare.

He fine ash, but he got a nasty ass attitude.

"Chill B." Dash laughed a little. "That's still my fam, be nice nigga."

"Nigga, tell yo fam to get tf out my personal space."


"And, stop staring at me before I take them shits out yo socket, and stomp on'em."

"Dash, I'm about to go." I got up.

Not dealing with the disrespect. And, he calls Angel crazy.

"Yeah bye." Organs moved his legs, and stretched out some more.

I wasn't even taking up that much space.

"My fault about him. He one mean ass nigga. I'll come check you out some time tomorrow tho. Give me love." He hugged me, and I bout left Angel ass sitting in there. Seemed like she made friends with Mikko and Corey tho.

"Bye Demon." He slammed the door in Angel face before she could say anything.

"He definitely wants me."

Chapter 1 complete.
New story, hopefully you'll enjoy it.💙
Bear with me.

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